Using Digital Technologies to Create Community & Safe Spaces

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify the type of activities to increase community in the classroom
  2. Discuss why safe spaces help learning process
  3. Develop plan to create a commuity development activity in the classroom
  4. Devise strategy to create one activity in the classroom using technology

Facilitator: Kyle Stephanie Kraus, Instructional Designer - STCC

Why me? Professional Background - Communication & Educational Philosophy


A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. (Retrieved:

Benefits of Belonging

Think about the difference when you interact in situations or spaces where you belong then in situations where you don't.

5 Stages of Team Development







Digital Technologies @ STCC

  • Google "G Suite"
  • Microsoft Word
  • Blackboard Learn
  • Zoom

Types of Activities

Welcoming Activities

Netiquette & Expectations

Community Development Activities

Professional Development

Let's Discuss

Let's talk about why we are here? Specific issue or experience or you want to make your classroom safer?

Using the format of the four types listed above we are going to brainstorm some ideas for our classroom spaces. Break into groups according to the type of activity you would like to develop.

Start Planning

  1. What type of activities would you like to do and why?
  2. Can you define of one outcome for the activity?
    • Consider verbs like "define," "identify," "relate," "connect," or "explain"
  3. Who will do the activity?
    • You, pairs, groups, individuals or the whole class
  4. What is the title of the activity?
  5. What are the instructions for the activity? How would you explain to a fellow faculty or to the students what they will be doing?
  6. What technologies could you use?

Report Out

Optional, groups describe activities and receive feedback from fellow participants whether in the form of positive affirmation or construction feedback to better the activity.