Data and evaluation

Injury AND VIOLENCE Data, Epidemiology, and evaluation

Some people experience injury and violence not as the result of their own actions or behaviors. Generations-long social, economic, and environmental inequities such as where they live and how they are treated because of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity can also contribute to injury and violence.

When interpreting data, it is critical not to lose sight of these systemic, avoidable, and unjust factors. These factors perpetuate the disparities that we observe in injury and violence across populations in Colorado. Research is making progress in understanding how geography, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity correlate with health. While exploring the data resources below, please keep in mind that it is critical that data systems and data users identify and understand the life-long inequities that persist across groups in order to eradicate them.

Data Dashboards

Shared Risk and Protective Factors Data Reports

Evaluation Reports

Additional Resources