Basic Emergency Service Regulation

Colorado 9-1-1 Program Logo

Current 911 Tariffs and Regulation

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission has regulatory authority over Basic Emergency Service (§ 40-15-201, C.R.S.). Basic Emergency Service is defined by the Commission as "the aggregation and transportation of a 9-1-1 call directly to a demarcation point with a governing body or PSAP, regardless of the technology used to provide the service. The aggregation of calls means the collection of 9-1-1 calls from one or more OSPs or IASPs for the purpose of selectively routing and transporting 9-1-1 calls directly to a demarcation point with a governing body or PSAP. The offering or providing of location information or selective routing directly to a governing body or PSAP is also a basic emergency service." (4 CCR 723-2-2131 (i)).

A Basic Emergency Service Provider must be certified by the Commission to provide Basic Emergency Service and must have a Basic Emergency Service tariff on file with the Commission.

Active BES Outage Investigations

Apparent Basic Emergency Service outages that meet certain criteria are subject to an informal investigation process under 4 CCR 723-2-2143(k). Each investigation is conducted in five steps:

Stage 1. Initial Opening of Investigation. Initial copy sent to affected PSAPs/Authorities and Outage Committee of the 9-1-1 Advisory Task Force for input and additional questions for the BESP.

Stage 2. Request for Information. A request for response to the questions identified in Stage 1 has been sent to the BESP for a response. Responses are due within 30 days, unless otherwise allowed by Commission Staff.

The BESP may not provide an incomplete response citing a lack of information or knowledge unless it states it has made diligent and reasonable inquiry and requests that Commission staff allow a reasonable extension of time not to exceed fourteen days. Additional reasonable extensions of time may be granted upon request. Requests for any extensions shall be accompanied with estimates of when information may be provided. 4 CCR 723-2-2143(k)(I)(B)

Additional follow-up requests for information may be made prior to the conclusion of this stage.

Stage 3. Meetings to Review Responses, As Requested. Commission staff, the affected governing bodies or PSAPs, or the 9-1-1 Advisory Task Force may also request a meeting with the BESP, which may be recorded, provided that the recording may not be used by any person for any purpose in subsequent proceedings before the Commission. Additional follow-up meetings may be held prior to the conclusion of this stage.

Stage 4. Response from Parties. A final version of this report shall be transmitted to the BESP, the 9-1-1 Advisory Task Force, and the affected governing bodies or PSAPs. Within fourteen days, any of these parties may submit to Commission staff written comments, which Commission staff shall append to the report and preserve in the informal investigation file. 4 CCR 723-2-2143(k)(III)

Stage 5. Closure of Investigation. Commission staff will document the closure of each informal investigation within sixty days of the outage, or such a greater period as Commission staff may require if such period is reasonable under the circumstances of the informal investigation.

A current list of outages being investigated under this process is below. Completed outage investigations can be retrieved here.

A document outlining repeat findings and global recommendations by Commission Staff as result of these investigations can be retrieved here.

BES Outage Staff Investigation Status

Active and Recent Proceedings

911 Advisory Task Force

In order to assist the Commission with fulfilling its statutory duties regarding 911 service, the Commission created the 911 Advisory Task Force, per 4 CCR 723-2-2145. The Task Force has its own website, accessible from the link below.

Local 911 Governing Bodies in Colorado

9-1-1 Governing Body Map

Current List of Telecom Providers in Colorado

9-1-1 Governing Bodies may use this list to notify providers of changes in local emergency telephone rates. Do you have a change to report to this list? Let us know.