Governance, Roles & Responsibilities

The "Governance" criteria of the plan ensure that IT accessibility is positioned appropriately within your organization and accessibility-related roles and responsibilities across the organization are defined, including the designation of an executive sponsor or accountable party. Visit these other resources to learn more about accessibility governance:

Governance Recommendations

Create an Accessibility Workgroup and determine the scope of the workgroup or create a charter to define goals and scope.  The following roles are explained in more detail in the Accessibility Change Management Guide (Doc):

Include point people who will be responsible for maintaining accessibility compliance of the technology within their domain. 

Identify an accountable party who the accessibility point people will report to and communicate with about progress, opportunities and resource requirements. Use OIT’s Accessibility Guide to communicate the responsibilities of the accountable parties.

Identify directives, policies, procedures and guidelines that will need to be in place or updated (use the six core criteria within the accessibility checklist to inform this work).

Website Governance

It is strongly recommended that each agency has a formal website team in place that can: