About the Technology Accessibility Program (TAP)

TAP Accessibility Consulting

TAP provides a collection of services designed to bring strategic and tactical support to agencies in meeting and sustaining compliance requirements outlined in House Bill 21-1110.

Accessibility consulting helps agencies immediately address existing accessibility compliance issues by taking inventory of all technology touch points, assessing them for accessibility compliance and remediating identified problems. These services build accessibility into roles and processes to provide accessible technology from the beginning and avoid costly accessibility debt in the future.

Our team provides guidance and support in:

Learn more about TAP services

Current TAP Priorities:

The Technical Accessibility Program (TAP) works to help OIT and agencies comply with C.R.S. 24-85-104, House Bill 21-1110 Colorado Laws for Persons with Disabilities, Executive Order D2020-175 (EDI) and the Universal Policy on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

TAP is working hard to support and guide state agencies with this immense effort. Current efforts to assist state agencies include:

The TAP Team

TAP is managed by Karen Pellegrin, Senior Program Manager, and is supported by the following OIT employees:

For questions and feedback, contact the TAP OIT_Accessibility@state.co.us