VHIL Tour Information

Thank you for signing up for the tour of the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab and metaverse classroom at our upcoming Existing Law and Extended Reality Symposium. We are excited for this event. There are a few important notes below, so be sure to read to the bottom.


* The tour has been limited in number due to Covid safety. Attendees have been notified by email. We will not be able to accommodate walk-ins due to the university's health policy.

* If you have Covid symptoms or have been exposed to Covid, please do not come on the tour.

* If you are unable to make it, please let us know ASAP. There is a waiting list and we'd like to give others a chance to come.


  • Participants should have been emailed about creating an ENGAGE account. Please make your account in-advance of the tour.

  • You may wish to watch Dr. Bailenson's talk, Your Mind on the Metaverse, beforehand as a primer.


* The tour will be held at Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab, Building 120, McClatchy Hall, Room 411. This is in the outer quad, facing the Ellipse. A map and parking information is provided on the website.

* Tour participants should meet outside McClatchy Hall at 7:45am. You will be able to get your symposium registration materials after the tour.


* Breakfast will be provided for tour participants next to the lab, in Building 120 McClatchy Hall, Room 452. There will also be food available at the conference main site once we return to the Mackenzie Room (room 300, Jen Hsun Huang Engineering Center) for the main conference at 10am.


Please call or text 650-804-1388 or email beams@stanford.edu if you run into difficulties. Thank you and we're looking forward to seeing you!