Recording Instructions

Please prepare a 15 minute maximum recording on your predetermined topic.

  • Slides are optional.

    • All presentations should be 16x9 aspect ratio. If possible, avoid using within-slide animations on powerpoint presentations. Transitions are ok.

    • Please either indicate when the slides should be displayed with a separate document or say "next slide" during your presentation, which will be edited out as the slides are edited in.

  • Record using a high quality microphone (phone/computer can be fine in a pinch, but if you have an external device, that is preferred).

    • If you end up having to record the audio on a separate device (this is not recommended, but works if necessary) make sure to clap or otherwise provide a synchronization point for the media.

  • Record using a high quality camera (built-in webcams are not recommended)

    • Consider framing: it is recommended to film in a sitting position from the shoulders or mid-chest up.

    • Look into the camera as you deliver your presentation. If you need to glance away, do it between paragraphs or sentences.

    • Sit in front of a plain background. If you can't, you can use a blank white virtual background. If you use Zoom for recording, make sure you record locally and enable HD video.

    • Ensure adequate lighting and that there is not anything too shiny or reflective in the video. If necessary, apply some foundation or concealer to reduce visible glare from sweat.

    • Example: Nate Persily's Law of Democracy class

  • Submit recordings and presentations by December 31st for editing via sharing a google drive upload to (or contact for questions).