10:00 am Sessions (30 min and 1 hr)

Food Justice in the Elementary Grades: An example unit using the five pursuits

Anni Wen, she/hers (STEP Elementary 2020), Ana-Lauren Thorpe, she/hers (STEP Elementary 2023) & Catalina Martinez, she/hers (STEP Elementary 2011)

This workshop provides participants with an example unit on food justice developed during elementary summer school in partnership between a cooperating teacher (Anni) and her teacher candidate (Ana-Lauren). Using Gholdy Muhammad's framework for the five pursuits, we will examine ways to embed the pursuits of identity, criticality, intellect, skills and joy into your own unit plans.

Framework: https://hillpedagogies.com/cultivating-genius/

Link to Session Recording

The Role of Public Media in Supporting Educators

Rosie Miller, she/her (STEP Elementary, 2013)

Not just Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger, public media has a history of supporting educators, families, and kids off-the-air through community outreach and resource distribution. In today's world, what should the role of public media be in the classroom and education more broadly? Together, we'll explore existing resources and co-create a vision for the future role of public media in supporting educators and families.

Social media: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosemary-miller-edd

Gender Inclusive Biology (1 hour)

River X. Suh, they/he (STEP Secondary, Science 2017), Lewis Steller, he/him

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/riverxsuh

Gender-Inclusive Biology: http://ww.genderinclusivebiology.com

Personal Teaching Page: http://www.riversuh.com/teaching-1

This workshop provides a framework for gender-inclusive curriculum, illustrates the need for intersectionality in theory and practice, and provides breakout rooms to explore their own ideas about implementation and practice by reflecting on an artifact connected to different identities.

Link to Session Recording

Resources for Session

Aligning Priorities with Action : Engaging with Stories to Imagine and Cultivate Change (1 hour)

Rafael Perez-Segura, he/him (STEP Elementary, 2017) and Alex Quezada, he/him (STEP Elementary, 2008)

Join Rafa (STEP 2017) and Alex (STEP 2008) as they share their stories of possibilities and (trying!) to make them a reality. We will invite participants to reflect on their stories and connect to their practice. We will be telling each other our own stories, considering (1) What are the stories we wish to elevate in our classrooms, schools, and organizations, and (2) How are we allowing those stories to be our reality in our bodies, minds, and communities? Rafa and Alex are both school directors interested in cultivating change through relational somatic work. Rafa is the Education Director at Mi Casita Preschool and Cultural Center in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, NY while Alex is the principal of Los Robles-Ronald McNair Academy in East Palo Alto. Alex was one of Rafa’s cooperating teachers during his time at STEP.

Link to Session Recording