Meet the Team

Roshail Gerard

I'm a mechanical engineer motivated towards making a difference in the world through a career in robotics. I enjoy working with physical systems, and believe in using a systematic and mathematical approach to solve real-world problems.

I spent my undergraduate education at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay focusing on breadth and exposure. I am currently pursuing an MSME degree at Stanford, to add depth to my knowledge to make me a full-fledged robotics engineer.

I'm a passionate soccer player and fan, and also enjoy reading fantasy novels.


Quillan Smith

During my undergrad I took ME 210 (Intro to Mechatronics) as an elective and got hooked on mechatronics. I appreciate the way it has required me to combine several skills I have picked up through school and internships, and has pushed me to improve my ability to debug systems.

I did my undergrad in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford and currently am a first year Coterm student in Mechanical Engineering working toward a focus in Mechatronics.

I love playing basketball and Mario Kart.


Lawrence Domingo

Life-Long Learner

Avid Reader

Whole-Minded Polymath

Really trying to go to Burning Man

Engineering Major (Biomedical and Mechanical)

Newly-minted PhD Candidate

Cal Poly - SLO Graduate

Esalen Institute Graduate
