WHA:LE TIVA and PIC Pinouts


Untitled spreadsheet

WHA:LE Power and Drive Circuit

Servo Motor Control

We used three servos on our bot. One servo motor held an "IT" indicator flag, another servo motor held a "paired" indicator flag, and the last servo motor held a signal "ED" flag indicator.

Bumper limit Switches

Limit switches were used to detect when SharkyBot made contact with another robot that would then trigger an "IT" transfer protocol if SharkyBot were "IT".

Internal pull-ups were enabled on the pins of the TIVA.


The encoders were Pololu 2598 magnetic 12 CPR encoders. One was mounted on each wheel and used for wheel speed control. They were powered off 5V and one line was connected to an input capture pin managed in MotorSpeedControl

G[OG]GLE Power Distribution Circuit

A Power Distribution Board (PDB) was used to power the various GOGGLE circuits. A fuse was added in line for needed protection and a kill switch was used in line for subsystem power control for safety and trouble shooting.

Joy Stick Circuit

A Joy Stick was used for WHALE directional control via user input on the GOGGLE.

Joy Stick LED Arrays

Four shift registers were used to extend three pins for JoyStick control feedback through four LED Arrays. The voltage signals read by the ADC of the PIC corresponded to varying LED Array intensities.

Vibration Motor

Vibrations motors were used to provide tactile feedback for when the GOGGLE was paired to the WHALE.

XBEE Radio

The XBEE Radio was used to transfer audio to users to detect where neighboring WHALEs were located when the "IT" robot produced the "ED" audio.

Rotary Switch

A rotary switch was used in tandem with voltage dividers to output discrete voltages that corresponded to pairing signals for different WHALES.

Audio Board

Audio Board Pins were grounded to trigger sound files to play sent through the auxiliary cable and to the speakers to play the "ED" and "CARRYER" sound files.