Group Formation Guidelines
LD4 Community Groups bring together those interested in a common topic to share information and explore possible collaborations and projects. As part of an open community, all LD4 Community groups are expected to be open, welcoming participation from any interested party; notes and group artifacts should be shared publicly.
Starting a new group and setting up communication and documentation channels
Groups can be formed when representatives from at least three different organizations agree on the need for one, establish a charter (see below), and apply to and are approved by the LD4 Steering group. Groups are expected to be active on a regular basis, and to officially close when their work is done. An annual report to LD4 Steering and the community is expected.
To establish a new group, create a new Google Doc in the LD4 Community drive that includes this information:
Group name and conveners
Approach: how you will work
Pointers to communication and documentation channels
Coordination with other groups (if applicable)
Submit this document to the LD4 Steering Group when it is ready to be reviewed. (You can contact the LD4 Steering Group with any questions or if you need support.) The LD4 Steering Group meets monthly. When the document is approved it will serve as the group charter.
Once approved, create the following communication channels for the LD4 Affinity Group. For the sake of visibility and openness, and to facilitate coordination and collaboration across the LD4 Community, all LD4 groups should use the following, common collaboration vehicles.
Channel Purpose
Email distribution list (expected)
Set up a public group using Google Groups; ensure there are at least two (preferably three) group managers.
Slack channel (expected)
Create an open channel in the LD4 Slack workspace. (The address of the workspace is; if you're not a member of the workspace, use this link to join:
How to invite members to a channel. Before people can join the channel, they need to join the workspace. Anyone can use the invite link to join the workspace.
Google Drive (expected)
Set up a Google drive folder in the LD4 Community drive. From that folder, click New at upper left, and then Folder, enter a name for the folder, click Create.
Repository for code and documentation (if needed)
Create a new repository in the LD4 Community Github organization.
To announce your group to the LD4 Community, send an email to mailing list and also put a message in #general in the LD4 Slack workspace.
Groups are encouraged to post periodic updates of their activities to the list and Slack.