
Shop Amazon Smile All Year

Amazon has a wonderful program called Amazon Smile where it donates .5% of purchases made to local charities and non-profits. Rippowam PTO is a designated non-profit on Amazon Smile. Please use the below link for your purchases and help support Rippowam PTO.

Shop Here

5th Bin are currently at Rippowam! Consider supporting our school and Instead of throwing out or dropping off your old clothes & textiles at gas station bin, stop by RIPPOWAM and use the 3 bins in front and 2 bins in the back of our school by Loveland Road.

We accept all sorts of used textiles, from old sheets and throw pillows, single socks and torn jeans, even stuffed animals and old shoes - this prevents discarded items becoming part of landfills and gives them a second life. â™» Please use BAGS when dropping items.

Great time to do all of your spring/summer/fall cleaning!