Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Prevention

The Trust is asking that our employees take the following training, as it must be done at least once a year. [29 C.F.R.1910.1030]

Please watch the videos and take the quizzes by December 30th, 2020.


Login: first 4 of last name first 3 of first name

Password: you will set it up (or us the one you have from last year)


Pay Stubs, Personal Information, Tax Information.

Link to iVisions:


Horizontal Advancement (Professional Growth)

Horizontal advancement on the salary schedule shall be given for graduate credit, including extension courses, granted by an accredited college or university when directly related to the subject or subjects taught by a teacher or related to the job assignment of another certificated staff member and when approval is given by the Superintendent prior to enrollment in such coursework. Salary advancements shall not be given for college credit necessary to obtain the initial Arizona certificate on which the teacher will teach. However, provided the credit meets all other criteria, if credit toward renewal is to be allowed for salary advancement for the current year, it shall be the responsibility of the teacher to apply in writing and file an unofficial transcript in the office of the Superintendent no later than August 31 and an official transcript no later than September 15. It is impossible to constantly readjust salary payments for contract changes throughout the school year.

Personnel planning to advance horizontally on the salary schedule shall notify the Superintendent's office through their principal before April 1 of each school year. This will assist in proper allotment of funding for budget requirements.

Personnel will be permitted only one (1) twelve (12) hour horizontal move on the salary schedule in any one (1) school year.

Click here to complete the required FORM for Horizontal Advancement

2019 Classroom Spending Report

Annually, the Arizona Auditor General looks at how public money is being spent in school systems. Ironically, this is calculated for public schools but not charter schools which would display different results on how public dollars are being spent. Regardless, school systems are monitored for the percentage of dollars put into the classroom vs administration vs support staff, etc.

The chart below demonstrates how SJUSD #1 is utilizing our funds throughout the district in both comparison to the State and other districts of similarity.

We hope you can utilize this information to analyze how dollars are spent at SJUSD #1.

Any questions about the report can be directed to Mr. Burgoyne or Mrs. Dugdale.

Auditor Generals Classroom Spending Report:

St. Johns USD Classroom Spending 2019.pdf