
學校部門與辦公室  School Departments & Offices

校長室    Principal's Office

教務處    Academic Department

學務處    Student Affairs Department

總務處    General Affairs Office

註冊組    Registration Section

體育組    Athletics Section

衛生組    Janitorial Section

課外活動組    Extracurricular Activities Section

輔導室    Counselor's Office

人事室    Personnel Office

會計室    Accounting Office

保健室/健康中心    Nurse's Office/Health Center

圖書館    Library

警衛室    Security Office

教師會    Teachers Association

家長會    Parents Association

學校工作人員    School Faculty 

行政人員    Administrative staff

校長    Principal

副校長    Vice principal

督學    Superintendent

....處主任    Director of .... Department

教務處主任    Director of Academic Affairs

....組長    .....Section Head

註冊組長    Registration Section Head

老師    Teacher

導師    homeroom teacher

科任老師    specialized teacher

實習老師    student teacher

合格老師    qualified teacher

專職老師    full-time teacher

兼職老師    part-time teacher

代課老師    substitute teacher

監考老師    test monitor

其他工作人員     Others

護士    nurse

警衛    security guard

工友    janitor

糾察隊    hall monitor

導護人員    crossing guard

學科    Subjects 

閩南語    Minan dialect

客家語    Hakka

原住民語    Aboriginal languages

數學    math

科學    science

歷史    history

地理    geography

社會    social studies(/science)

公民    civics

綜合活動    multiple-activities

物理    physics

化學    chemistry

生物    biology

電腦    computer science

健教    health education

體育    PE/physical education

音樂    music

美勞    arts and crafts

工藝    industrial arts

家政    home economics

軍訓    military training

護理    nursing

教室及其他地方    Classroom & Places

專科教室    Specialized classrooms

資源室    special resource room

音樂教室    music classroom

美勞教室    arts and crafts classroom

家政教室    home economic classroom

舞蹈教室    dance studio

英文教室    English classroom

視聽教室    audio-visual classroom(/lab)

電腦教室    computer lab

教師資源室    teacher's resource room

其他地方   Other places  

行政 /主辦公室    administrative / main office

教師休息室    teacher's lounge

活動中心    activity center

體育館    gym/ gymnasium

器材室    equipment / storage room

合作社    snack bar

自助餐廳    cafeteria

禮堂    auditorium

走廊    hall/ hallway

洗手間    restroom

飲水機    water/drinking fountain

電梯    elevator

樓梯    stairs

花園    garden

涼亭    gazebo

雕像    statue

池塘/水池    pond / pool

司令台    platform

國旗    national flag

跑道    track

操場    playground

溜滑梯    slide

鞦韆    swing

翹翹版    seesaw

爬竿    climbing pole

單槓    pull-up bar

沙坑    sandbox

游泳池    swimming pool

足球場    football field

棒球場    baseball field

網球場    tennis court

籃球場    basketball court

羽球場    badminton court

學校用品    School Supplies & Materials

鉛筆     pencil

自動鉛筆    mechanical pencil

橡皮擦    eraser

色筆    color pencil

粉蠟筆    pastel (pencil)

水彩筆    brush

圓規    compass

膠水    glue

原子筆    (ballpoint) pen

螢光筆    highlighter

彩色筆    marker

尺    ruler

蠟筆    crayon

水彩    water color

調色盤    palette

三角板    triangle

量角器    protractor

書包 / 背包    Book bag / backpack

迴紋針    paper clip

計算機    calculator

水壺    water bottle

資料夾    binder

圖畫紙    drawing paper

筆記簿    notebook

大頭針    thumbtack

利可貼    post-it

便當盒    lunch box

制服    uniform

教科書    textbook

習作/ 練習簿    workbook / exercise book

參考書    reference book

課表    class schedule

(電子)字典    (electronic) dictionary

學習單    worksheet

講義    handout

週記    weekly journal

聯絡簿    contact book

借書證    library card

學生證    student ID card

成績單    report paper

獎卡    reward card

功課 / 家庭作業    homework / homework assignment

寒 / 暑假作業    summer / winter homework assignment

教室設備    Classroom Facilities

黑板    blackboard

板擦    eraser

白板    whiteboard

佈告欄    bulletin board

講桌    podium

書桌    desk

椅子    chair

麥克風    microphone

掃帚    broom

拖把    mop

抹布    duster/dust rag

垃圾桶    trash can

電扇    fan

粉筆    chalk

粉筆灰    chalk dust

白板筆    marker

海報 掛圖    poster

講臺    platform

抽屜    drawer

書架    shelf

教鞭    pointer

置物櫃    locker

畚箕    dust pan

水桶    bucket

垃圾    trash / garbage

垃圾袋    garbage bag

冷氣機    air conditioner

班級幹部    Class Helpers

班長    class leader

學藝股長    bulletin board designer

衛生/服務股長    cleaning crew leader

風紀股長    name taker

康樂股長    social coordinator

班會紀錄    class secretary

司儀    master of ceremonies /emcee

小老師    teacher's assistant