

The flag ceremony begins.    升旗典禮開始  

Stand at attention.    全體肅立  

Position please chairman.    主席就位 

Sing national anthem (song).    唱國歌  

Flag hoisting.  Salute.    升旗敬禮  

At ease.    手放下  

Award time.    頒獎時間 

Work report.    工作報告  

Academic Affairs Office Report    教務處報告 

Student Affairs Office Report    學務處報告 

General Affairs Office Report    總務處報告 

Guidance Office Report    輔導室報告 

That's all.     報告完畢 

Students please approach the command podium to receive your award.    請受獎學生到司令台集合

Invite the principal to present the award.    請校長頒獎

Congratulations to the awarded students.    恭喜獲獎同學

Please go back to class.    請回班級

Send a representative from each class to the command podium.    各班派一名代表到司令台

Awarding time.    頒獎時間 

May I request the principal to present the awards.    請校長頒獎

Attention.    立正

Bow.    敬禮 

Congratulations to the awardees.    恭喜獲獎同學

Please go back to classroom.    請回班級

That’s the end of our morning assembly.    朝會結束


Organize the team    整理隊伍 

Attention.    立正  

Subject to the file leader.    以排頭為準

All eyes in front.    向前看齊 

Eyes front.    向前看  

At ease.    稍息  

Center hands up.    以中央伍為準  

Eyes center.    向中看齊  

Eyes front.     向前看  

Eyes left.    向左看  

 Eyes right.    向右看

Turn left.    向左轉  

Turn right.    向右轉 

Turn around.    向後轉  

Forward march.    起步走  

Double time march.    跑步走  

Quick time march.    快步走  

Mark time.    踏步走  

Halt.    立定  

Assemble.    集合  

fall- in.    排隊  

file leader.    排頭  

Bring it closer.    靠攏

Spread out.    散開  

Step out.     出列  

Join in.    歸隊  

Dismiss.    解散  

Line up.     對齊  

Eyes front.    看齊  

Roll call.    點名  

Count off.    報數  


Good morning everyone.   大家早 

Academic Affairs Office will announce you something.    教務處報告 

Student Affairs Office will announce you something.    學務處報告 

General Affairs Office will announce you something.    總務處報告 

Guidance Office will announce you something.    輔導室報告 

That's all. Thank you.    報告完畢