Newsletter 9 - Page Three

Year Four go to pieces at Bignor Roman Villa

Roman Britain is Year Four's current topic and to say the children are enjoying studying all things Roman is a bit of an understatement, as they are LOVING it. We are only a couple of weeks into the half term but they are already teeming with facts and understanding of this fascinating era in British history. Four hundred years of Roman rule has definitely made a lasting mark and our Year Four children are learning we are still benefiting from their innovations. Their famous roads are still in evidence, all 10,000 miles of them, zigzagging across the land, as well as central heating, plumbing, advertising and fast food to name but a few of the things the Romans gave to us.

To view some of these, Year Four boarded a coach bound for West Sussex to see the remains of Bignor Roman villa. First uncovered by George Tupper in 1811 on his family's estate, the full excavation revealed the remains of the villa, probably the abode of a wealthy Romano-British family. It features some of the most stunning Roman mosaics ever found. After a tour of the site our young archaeologists got down to making their own mosaics.