Newsletter 24

Page Five


As befits the time of year, our children are learning about Easter, the most important Christian festival, in their RE lessons. Reception invited our RE Co-ordinator, Tanya Blomley, to come into the classroom and watch them make some unleavened bread, as they are learning about the Last Supper - the feast of the Passover. Here is Mrs Blomley's report

"The wonderful Mrs Dale and Mrs Flower invited me down to Early Years to experience one of their RE lessons. I got to mix and create the dough with the children and whilst doing this the children explained (in lots of detail) why they were making the flat bread and what it represented. The children explained that the bread was for them to share with their families, just like Jesus did during the Last Supper. I was absolutely blown away by their recollection of the Last Supper and the significance of the bread they were making. It was a truly glorious morning in EYFS and I can't wait to visit again soon. Thank you to Ms Dale and Mrs Flower for also teaching me how to make flat bread... I never get my measurements quite right!


Mrs Cotton sent us this report on what our Year Five children have been up to in their computing lessons with Miss Wapshott. "We are learning how to build a circuit using a software called Crumbles. Children were able to programme the software to make the light, known as a sparkle, change colour and flash a certain length of time." Making connections using coding is always fun and, as you can see from the photographs, made for an engrossing time.Â