Year 1

1B went to the library, we had a fantastic time as the librarian read a big book of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, with actions and signing so everyone could join in. Mrs Hawes read the class three books too as she loves reading!

On character dress up day we made a decade of the rosary in class, as part of our religion lessons have focused on the importance of Mary in our faith. We prayed a decade together.

In computing this half term we have been learning about algorithms and we have practised following a set of instructions ourselves playing Simon says.

As part of our English Character and Setting week we have enjoyed peer reading with year 5 and they loved listening to us read too!

Year 2

In PSHCE this term we have been learning about 'Right of the Child.' Article 24 states that every child has the right to the best possible health. To show our understanding we put this into practice by choosing clean drinking water, clean clothes and blankets for our baby dolls we had too look after for the afternoon. 

This term we buddied up with a Year 6 student and enjoyed an afternoon of reading. We read to each other and had lots of fun making new friends and sharing our favourite genres of books. 

We visited Canning Town library. We had a wonderful session with the librarians. 2Y enjoyed Goldilocks and the three bears and were able to share their own versions of the story with the librarians. 2B read a class favourite book ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ and enjoyed doing all of the actions. To end our visits we each borrowed a book from the library to enjoy reading at home. 


Our theme for this year's character and settings week was comedy. Year 2 wrote their our own fairy tales with a twist that was based of the book called 'Good Little Wolf.' Our story was based on our favourite fairy tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, Hansel and Gretel and Goldilocks and the three bears. To be able to describe our settings we used images and objects such as sweets, chocolates, cotton wool, scents, jewellery, twigs and porridge to help with our setting descriptions. There were some very funny twists to our tales. 

In Geography this term we learnt how to use compasses. We first learnt points on a compass (N, E, S, W). We found where North was in our classroom using the compass and then we recorded what we could find. 

Character Dress Up Day - We dressed up as characters from our favourite stories. We got to show off our Character Day costumes in a parade led by Farmer Duck …Miss Corsan. Everyone looked amazing and it was really hard to judge. Our expert judges deliberated and finally picked winners. Well done to our winners Antonella, Alexander, Mishary and Shriyashi. 

In Art this term we have been exploring textures. We explored different textures in our environment. We recorded the different textures using the Frottage technique. We explored the back of KS1 and found various textures. We then recreated our textures on our laptops.  

Creating Algorithms - in computing we have been creating algorithms, and seeing if we can follow the instructions. 
