Teacher Weekly
WEEK OF JUNE 6, 2022
- Parents will access their child's report card through Aeries Parent Portal.
- A SIGNED copy must be placed in the student's cume at the site at the end of the school year.
All Studies Weekly Materials may be sent home with students for supplemental reading over the summer.
Please click on the link below to get information regarding obsoletion of our previous social studies textbooks/materials.
All K-5 students will be enrolled in the online version and will have the option to complete practice skills page assignments online. SEND HOME CLEVER BADGES
Some families requested the printed materials for Curriculum Correspondence. Schools will receive these materials beginning MONDAY, JUNE 6th. Materials will arrive with a cover sheet including student and teacher names. Envelopes will be sent for students to place materials into.
Students will not have access to AR over the summer. All students will have access to reading and other ELA and math activities provided through Curriculum Correspondence both online and in print version.
ELD Matrix: Please remember to complete the ELD Matrix form for all ELD students in your class. The form can be found HERE.
RFEP Monitoring Form: Please complete the RFEP monitoring form for your reclassified students. The form was emailed to you through ELLevation. No need to print and place in students cume.
GATE DLP: Please update and place the GATE DLP in the student's cume.
Thank you for another fabulous year!
Sulphur Springs Union School District wouldn't be the same without it dedicated and hardworking teachers.
See you in August!
WEEK OF MAY 30, 2022
Memorial Day is an American holiday honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Let’s remember to take a moment to remember the sacrifice of our valiant military service members, first responders and their families. Memorial Day is a day of both celebration and grief, accounting for the honor of our heroes and reflecting on their tragic loss.
State Testing
This will be the last week for CAASPP and PFT testing. All testing should be completed by May 31st. 5th grade teachers: Please don’t forget to enter your PFT information into Aeries.
End of the Year Reminders
ELD Matrix: Please remember to complete the ELD Matrix form for all ELD students in your class. The form can be found HERE
RFEP Monitoring Form: Please complete the RFEP monitoring form (in ELLevation) for your reclassified students. You should have received an email with directions about how to complete this form in ELLevation.
GATE DLP: Please update and place the GATE DLP in the student's cume.
Class Placement Cards
Thank you for filling out the Class Placement Card information for your students in Illuminate. Ed. Services will be printing and delivering them to school sites next week.
Blue Permanent Record Cards
Please continue to fill out the blue permanent record cards. The completion of these cards is an Educational Code requirement.
Report Cards
After report cards have been completed, you should print two copies. One copy should go home with students and the other copy should be signed and placed into each student's cume.
Please see information below regarding the 3 in-person programs that we are offering.
Summer School at Valley View Community School
Summer Intervention students received paper invitations. Please send returned invitations to Irma Pacias in Ed Services ASAP.
Students were invited based on Trimester 2 STAR and ESGI data. Here is a list of the students that were invited: Summer Academy List.
We understand that there may be students that have improved and others that are showing minimal growth. If you have any students that you would like to recommend, please fill out this Google Form:
Please make sure to include recent ESGI and/or STAR scores.
STEAM Academy at Canyon Springs Community School
Students that were invited to the STEAM Enrichment Academy received an invitation with specific registration instructions via ParentSquare.
Feel free to have parents call Irma Pacias at extension 181 if they have any questions. Irma is bilingual and happy to help.
Extended School Year (ESY)
Special Education Students who qualify for ESY received invitations and information from the Special Education Department.
End of Year Mindfulness and SEL Activities
Messages of Kindness
“Why are my kids being so mean to each other?” Consider holding space for a class meeting and discuss some of the issues that are coming up. Problem solve with students on solutions and how to prevent it in the future. Create an anchor chart to reference the next time it happens. (Click here for an example - this one is a generic problem/solution chart).
You can choose wrap up by having students paint short messages on rocks to hide around the school campus or to take home. Click Here for a list of positive message ideas and inspiration. These messages can also be done with chalk on walkways and common areas. (Ask your principal first, of course!)
Time Capsule Reflection
Take a few minutes each day for students to start experiencing closure of the school year by responding to one of the prompts and tucking it into their DIY time capsule. All you will need is an empty water bottle and these slides (printable included): Elementary Time Capsule Directions and Prompts Slides
WEEK OF MAY 23, 2022
Curriculum Correspondence
Here are the parent links for information about the online and paper versions of Summer Curriculum Correspondence.
Please share with the families of your students!
Please see information below regarding the 3 in-person programs that we are offering.
Summer School at Valley View Community School
Summer Intervention students received paper invitations. Please send returned invitations to Irma Pacias in Ed Services ASAP.
Students were invited based on Trimester 2 STAR and ESGI data. Here is a list of the students that were invited: Summer Academy List.
We understand that there may be students that have improved and others that are showing minimal growth. If you have any students that you would like to recommend, please fill out this Google Form:
Please make sure to include recent ESGI and/or STAR scores.
STEAM Academy at Canyon Springs Community School
Students that were invited to the STEAM Enrichment Academy received an invitation with specific registration instructions via ParentSquare.
Feel free to have parents call Irma Pacias at extension 181 if they have any questions. Irma is bilingual and happy to help.
Extended School Year (ESY)
Special Education Students who qualify for ESY received invitations and information from the Special Education Department.
The Ed Services team has created and pre-populated class placement cards for administrators and teachers to use for 2022-2023 class placement.
Please see the information HERE for instructions on how to complete this information in Illuminate. Once completed, cards will be printed by the Ed Services team and sent to teachers to use. For more information, please contact Nicole Packer in the Ed. Services Department.
NOTE: The data sheet to help with Class Placement Cards includes some historical data so it has caused a little confusion. Example: A student who was an LTEL (Long Term English Learner), but is now RFEP (Reclassified) is still marked as an LTEL because in the past they were. Cards will be updated in Illuminate by Tuesday afternoon.
Please make sure a copy of the DLP is in the student cum.
If a meeting was held virtually, please make a note of a virtual meeting on the line where the signature is required on the form.
Students that were identified this month will have a DLP created by their new teacher in the fall.
End of Year Mindfulness and SEL Activities and Games
As we get closer to June, students (and teachers!) may start to feel tired, anxious and worried. You may think to yourself, “my kids just seem checked out and I can’t get them to pay attention!” Providing some structured activities and games can address students’ social emotional needs and help them refocus their energy. Here are some fun and easy to implement activities and games that can be sprinkled in throughout the last few weeks, especially near the end of the day:
SEL Activity Choice Board
Perfect for those moments when there is just a little extra time in the day or even as an incentive to clean up or transition quickly: SEL Activity Choice Board
Zentangle and Mandala Art
Mandala coloring along with some peaceful music to allow for calm bodies and deep breathing: Free Printable Mandala Coloring Sheets
Look for new additional mindfulness & SEL activities next week!
WEEK OF MAY 16 , 2022
This week is Classified Employee Appreciation Week!
The work of our classified employees can be invisible to the community, but it enables teachers and administrators to focus on teaching and learning. Without the dedication of our support staff, our schools could not function properly and we would not be able to educate children.
May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America's history and are instrumental in its future success. https://asianpacificheritage.gov/
The Ed Services team has created and pre-populated class placement cards for administrators and teachers to use for 2022-2023 class placement.
Please see the information HERE for instructions on how to complete this information in Illuminate. Once completed, cards will be printed by the Ed Services team and sent to teachers to use. For more information, please contact Nicole Packer in the Ed. Services Department.
GATE Results Are In!
Letters will be sent to each site. Two copies will be sent to each site, one for the cume and one to send home.
Click here to view Springs GATE Results
Mindfulness & SEL Committee
If you’re interested in being on a committee to look at Mindfulness and SEL programs, please CLICK HERE to fill out a Google Form.
Curriculum Correspondence
Here are the parent links for information about the online and paper versions of Summer Curriculum Correspondence.
Please share with the families of your students!
WEEK OF MAY 09 , 2022
May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America's history and are instrumental in its future success. https://asianpacificheritage.gov/
Please see the notice regarding CAASPP and CALPADS.
There continue to be errors and interruptions in service for CAASPP. Due to these errors, accommodations and information about students for testing may not be accurate.
CALPADS is working on the problem. Please continue to email Dr. Fullwood if concerns arise.
- Parents will access their child's report card through the Aeries Parent Portal.
- Teachers may provide printed copies upon request.
- A signed copy will be placed in the student's cume at the site at the end of the school year.
Teachers will indicate student progress toward standards mastery using the following rubric grades:
4 = Standards Exceeded
3 = Standard Met
2+ = Standard Nearly Met (but approaching)
2 = Standard Nearly Met
1 = Standard Not Met
Please note: the video discusses height and weight but this is NOT REQUIRED this year. Please see the link below for more information about PFT.
The following assessments will be conducted this year:
- Abdominal Strength
- Aerobic Capacity
- Flexibility
- Trunk Extensor
- Upper Body
WEEK OF MAY 02 , 2022
May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America's history and are instrumental in its future success. https://asianpacificheritage.gov/
Teaching is a Work of Heart ❤️
The pandemic has ushered in a new way of teaching and learning. From in-person to virtual to a hybrid learning environment (some all in one school year!), our students have faced challenging, yet innovative times in their learning and development—and teachers have been at the heart of it all!
It's time to show them our love and appreciation so let’s give the teachers in our lives a special thanks for all that they do during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 2–6. That’s because Teaching is a Work of Heart!
Cinco de Mayo, or the fifth of May, is a day that celebrates the date of the Mexican army’s May 5, 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. The day, which falls on Thursday, May 5 in 2022, is also known as Battle of Puebla Day. While it is a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, in the United States, Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a commemoration of Mexican culture and heritage, particularly in areas with large Mexican-American populations. https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/cinco-de-mayo
Please see the notice regarding CAASPP and CALPADS.
There continues to be errors and interruptions in service for CAASPP. Due to this interruption. accommodations and information about students for testing will not be accurate. As soon as it is up and running again, we will be notified.
Click here to watch a 5 minute video about the CAASPP administration. CAASPP Test Administration Procedures
Please watch this Test Security Guidelines Video. As a reminder, required classroom testing signs about technology use in the classroom and door signs have been sent to your sites.
REMINDER: Teachers must use their computers/laptops to begin a test session but may not have other windows open during testing so that they can monitor students as they test.
Summer School Programs
We are pleased to share that we will again offer Summer School Programs this school-year. The Ed Services Department is looking for classroom teachers for the Summer Intervention Session. Information is below.
Summer Intervention
- Valley View Community School
- Grades K-2 (current grades)
- June 13th - July 8th - 8:00am - 12:00pm
Are you interested in teaching Summer Intervention? Please complete the following survey: Summer School Interest Form
WEEK OF APRIL 25, 2022
The last full week of April is Administrative Professionals Week also known as Secretaries Day or Admin Day, of which every Wednesday of that week is Administrative Professionals Day recognizing the important contributions that administrative professionals make each year to our economy and work place. The actual day will be celebrated/ observed on Wednesday, April 27.
Please see the notice regarding CAASPP and CALPADS. Due to this interruption in service, accommodations and information about students for testing will not be accurate. As soon as it is up and running again, we will be notified. Thank you for your patience.
Dear 5th Grade Staff,
Each year students participate in the California Healthy Kids Survey. The survey includes questions about substances such as alcohol and tobacco as well as questions about school safety and the learning environment.
Student participation in the survey is voluntary.
We must have parent permission for students to participate.
Parents have been emailed the survey permission slip/Google forms
The deadline for parents to give permission is Friday, April 22nd.
Teachers and admin will be given a list of students who are allowed to participate on Monday, April 25th.
Please have 5th grade students complete the survey the week of April 26th - May 6th.
California Healthy Kids Survey
The PFT for 5th grade students is now open. Please see the informational video regarding the assessments.
Please note: the video discusses height and weight but this is NOT REQUIRED this year. Please see the link below for more information about PFT.
The following assessments will be conducted this year:
- Abdominal Strength
- Aerobic Capacity
- Flexibility
- Trunk Extensor
- Upper Body
We are pleased to welcome Daniella Barajas as an Instructional TOSA. If teachers need support with instruction, especially in Science, she is an excellent resource. There have been PD dates on the calendar on combo support in science with Mrs. Barajas but she is available to support in other subject areas as well.
WEEK OF APRIL 18, 2022
This is the moment to make a difference! Now is the time for the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, and our neighborhoods.
For Earth Day 2022, we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably). It’s going to take all of us. All in. All citizens. — everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable. A partnership for the planet. https://www.earthday.org/
Dear 5th Grade Staff,
Each year students participate in the California Healthy Kids Survey. The survey includes questions about substances such as alcohol and tobacco as well as questions about school safety and the learning environment.
Student participation in the survey is voluntary.
We must have parent permission for students to participate.
Parents have been emailed the survey permission slip/Google forms
The deadline for parents to give permission is Friday, April 22nd.
Teachers and admin will be given a list of students who are allowed to participate on Monday, April 25th.
Please have 5th grade students complete the survey the week of April 26th - May 6th.
California Healthy Kids Survey
The PFT for 5th grade students is now open. Please see the informational video regarding the assessments.
Please note: the video discusses height and weight but this is NOT REQUIRED this year. Please see the link below for more information about PFT.
The following assessments will be conducted this year:
- Abdominal Strength
- Aerobic Capacity
- Flexibility
- Trunk Extensor
- Upper Body
CAASPP ASSESSMENTS are coming soon. Please take a look at this tutorial on how to begin a test session in CAASPP. The link is HERE.
Click here to watch a 5 minute video about the CAASPP administration. CAASPP Test Administration Procedures
Please watch this Test Security Guidelines Video. As a reminder, required classroom testing signs about technology use in the classroom and door signs will be sent to your sites.
Spring GATE Testing will take place the last week of April. We understand that this is a very busy time for all teachers so the Ed. Services team will be coming to each school site to administer the NNAT (GATE Test) during the last week of April. As we move in closer to the testing date, teachers will receive an email from Ed. Services with more information. Click here for the NNAT testing schedule.
NOTE: Students that tested in the Fall and did not pass, may not test again this school year.
STUDENTS MUST have parent consent to participate in the assessment. The attached GATE TESTING CONSENT FORM has been sent to your sites. Please make sure to return all consent forms to the District Office by April 22nd.
Did you miss it? Here are the GATE NIGHT RECORDINGS
Videos can be found here:
Summer School Programs
We are pleased to share that we will again offer Summer School Programs this school-year. The Ed Services Department is looking for classroom teachers for the Summer Intervention Session. Information is below.
Summer Intervention
- Valley View Community School
- Grades K-2 (current grades)
- June 13th - July 8th - 8:00am - 12:00pm
Are you interested in teaching Summer Intervention? Please complete the following survey: Summer School Interest Form
WEEK OF APRIL 04, 2022
Summer School Programs
We are pleased to share that we will again offer Summer School Programs this school-year. The Ed Services Department is looking for classroom teachers for the Summer Intervention Session. Information is below.
Summer Intervention
- Valley View Community School
- Grades K-2 (current grades)
- June 13th - July 8th - 8:00am - 12:00pm
Are you interested in teaching Summer Intervention? Please complete the following survey: Summer School Interest Form
Spring GATE Testing will take place the last week of April. We understand that this is a very busy time for all teachers, so the Ed Services Team will come to your site and complete the testing for you.
The following students will be tested:
2nd Grade
All second graders that have not been tested will be allowed to participate. Please click here to view the list of students that were enrolled AFTER the first round of Fall testing: 2nd graders enrolled after 9/11/21
3rd-6th Teachers
We need your input.
Here is a list of all students that have enrolled after the GATE testing that occurred at the beginning of the year. Please let us know if you would recommend that they are tested for GATE no later than 4/14/22.
NOTE: Students that tested in the Fall and did not pass, may not test again this school year.
STUDENTS MUST have parent consent to participate in the assessment. The attached GATE TESTING CONSENT FORM will be prepared and sent to your sites. Please make sure to return all consent forms to the District Office by April 22nd.
We are excited to host another virtual GATE night for students on April 18th and 19th. The linked flyer will be sent home via ParentSquare. Hard copies will also be sent to your sites: GATE Flyer
WEEK OF MARCH 28, 2022
Please welcome two staff members to the Ed Services Team...
Michanne Dempsey: New Administrative Secretary to Dr. Fullwood. Michanne has already begun in her new role but she will continue to support in the IMC until the position is filled. We are so excited to have her continue on our team in a new capacity!
Irma Pacias: New Secretary to Mrs. Vivian Fiss. She will support our Director of Curriculum and Instruction and we are honored to welcome her to the District!
National Library Week (April 3 - 9, 2022) is a time to celebrate our nation's libraries, library workers' contributions and promote library use and support.
First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and observed in libraries across the country each April. All types of libraries - school, public, academic and special - participate.
In the mid-1950s, research showed that Americans were spending less on books and more on radios, televisions and musical instruments. Concerned that Americans were reading less, the ALA and the American Book Publishers formed a nonprofit citizens organization called the National Book Committee in 1954. The committee's goals were ambitious. They ranged from "encouraging people to read in their increasing leisure time" to "improving incomes and health" and "developing strong and happy family life." With the cooperation of ALA and with help from the Advertising Council, the first National Library Week was observed in 1958 with the theme "Wake Up and Read!"
As a reminder, required classroom testing signs about technology use in the classroom and door signs will be sent to your sites.
An Orton Gillingham folder has been created, so that teachers can find all of the OG resources they will need in one place. The folder is in progress and more resources will continue to be added. If you have anything that you would like to add, please email Katie Palacios. Click here to access the Orton Gillingham folder.
Each year 6th grade students participate in TUPE lessons for 5 weeks. Teachers have the option of teaching TUPE several ways. The lessons are 45 minutes per week for 5 weeks. Options are:
- 45 min one time per week
- 15 min three days per week
If teachers are in need of training or additional support, please see the trainings below.
Please contact Mrs. Fiss for additional information.
All teachers are welcome to attend. This is great for all grade levels and combo classes.
When: March 29th; 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
Click Here for Zoom Link
All teachers are welcome to attend. Designed for NEW TEACHERS or as a GREAT REVIEW for all!
When: March 31st; 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
Click Here for Zoom Link
WEEK OF MARCH 21, 2022
Spring 2022 begins on Sunday, March 20! This date marks the spring equinox and the astronomical first day of spring around the Northern Hemisphere. What IS the spring equinox and do you know what really happens on this day? Before you try to balance that egg, read this! Spring Equinox
Please complete the LCAP SURVEYS for staff and students by Friday, March 25th. Please see the links below
Click here to watch a 5 minute video about the CAASPP administration. CAASPP Test Administration Procedures
Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase
The City of Santa Clarita is celebrating Youth Art Month by hosting the Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase on Saturday, March 19, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., located at The Centre. The free event gives students in the Santa Clarita Valley an opportunity to showcase their talent by performing or displaying their art for the community. CLICK HERE for a link to the City of Santa Clarita website that tells all about it.
All teachers are welcome to attend. Even if you DO NOT have a combo class!
When: March 22nd OR March 29th; 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
Click Here for Zoom Link
All teachers are welcome to attend. Designed for NEW TEACHERS or as a GREAT REVIEW for all!
When: March 31st; 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
Click Here for Zoom Link
WEEK OF MARCH 14, 2022
Daylight saving time 2022 begins at 2 a.m. local time on Sunday, March 13, in most of the United States. Don't forget to set your clocks an hour ahead, usually before bed Saturday night, to avoid being late for Monday morning activities!
Please complete the LCAP SURVEYS for staff and students by Friday, March 25th. Please see the links below
CAASPP ASSESSMENTS are coming soon. Please take a look at this tutorial on how to begin a test session in CAASPP. The link is HERE.
Please contact Dr. Fullwood or Mrs. Fiss in Ed. Services for more information.
Benchmark Training:
March 15th
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
Benchmark Education has invited you to a Zoom meeting.
Topic: Benchmark Advance/Adelante – K-1st Writing – Sulphur Springs School District, CA
Facilitator: Laura Fisher
When: March 15, 2022
TIME: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Benchmark Education has invited you to a Zoom meeting.
Topic: Benchmark Advance/Adelante – 2nd grade Writing – Sulphur Springs School District, CA
Facilitator: Faith Bearchell
When: March 15, 2022
TIME: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Benchmark Education has invited you to a Zoom meeting.
Topic: Benchmark Advance/Adelante – 3rd-6th Writing – Sulphur Springs School District, CA
Facilitator: Kimmie Heard
When: March 15, 2022
TIME: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase
The City of Santa Clarita is celebrating Youth Art Month by hosting the Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase on Saturday, March 19, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., located at The Centre. The free event gives students in the Santa Clarita Valley an opportunity to showcase their talent by performing or displaying their art for the community. CLICK HERE for a link to the City of Santa Clarita website that tells all about it.
Interim Assessments
Can be utilized at any time as Formative Assessments or as Guided Practice to teach students how to access the different types of questions they will encounter on the CAASPP. Check out this Padlet that includes information on IABs, FIABs as well as the Tools For Teachers website to help guide instruction as well as practice for the CAASPP:
Benchmark Training:
March 15th
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
Benchmark Education has invited you to a Zoom meeting.
Topic: Benchmark Advance/Adelante – K-1st Writing – Sulphur Springs School District, CA
Facilitator: Laura Fisher
When: March 15, 2022
TIME: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Benchmark Education has invited you to a Zoom meeting.
Topic: Benchmark Advance/Adelante – 2nd grade Writing – Sulphur Springs School District, CA
Facilitator: Faith Bearchell
When: March 15, 2022
TIME: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Benchmark Education has invited you to a Zoom meeting.
Topic: Benchmark Advance/Adelante – 3rd-6th Writing – Sulphur Springs School District, CA
Facilitator: Kimmie Heard
When: March 15, 2022
TIME: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
All teachers are welcome to attend. Even if you DO NOT have a combo class!
When: March 22nd OR March 29th; 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
Click Here for Zoom Link
All teachers are welcome to attend. Designed for NEW TEACHERS or as a GREAT REVIEW for all!
When: March 31st; 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
Click Here for Zoom Link
- Parents will access their child's report card through the Aeries Parent Portal.
- Teachers may provide printed copies upon request.
- Report cards must be made available to parents by Friday, March 11th.
- A signed copy will be placed in the student's cume at the site at the end of the school year.
Teachers will indicate student progress toward standards mastery using the following rubric grades:
4 = Standards Exceeded
3 = Standard Met
2+ = Standard Nearly Met (but approaching)
2 = Standard Nearly Met
1 = Standard Not Met
Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase
The City of Santa Clarita is celebrating Youth Art Month by hosting the Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase on Saturday, March 19, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., located at The Centre. The free event gives students in the Santa Clarita Valley an opportunity to showcase their talent by performing or displaying their art for the community. CLICK HERE for a link to the City of Santa Clarita website that tells all about it.
March is Women's History Month
Commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history. See lessons and information HERE.
Each year 6th grade students participate in TUPE lessons for 5 weeks. Teachers have the option of teaching TUPE several ways. The lessons are 45 minutes per week for 5 weeks. Options are:
- 45 min one time per week
- 15 min three days per week
If teachers are in need of training or additional support, please see the trainings below.
Please contact Mrs. Fiss for additional information.
Orton Gillingham
Rules for Suffix -ed
When a base word ends in letters t or d, suffix -ed is pronounced /id/.
When a base word ends in a voiced sound, suffix -ed is pronounced /d/.
When a base word ends in an unvoiced consonant sound, suffix -ed is pronounced /t/.
Click here to get the suffix -ed flip book!
All teachers are welcome to attend. Even if you DO NOT have a combo class!
When: March 22nd OR March 29th; 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
Click Here for Zoom Link
All teachers are welcome to attend. Designed for NEW TEACHERS or as a GREAT REVIEW for all!
When: March 31st; 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
ELLevation is an online program to support the monitoring of English Learner and RFEP students.
More information and training is coming. In the meantime, please take a look at the introduction video.
Did you miss the Imagine Learning PD in December? Here a recording of the meeting:
Meeting Recording - Expires 3/1/2022
Access Passcode: 7RrZ?=z@
- Parents will access their child's report card through the Aeries Parent Portal.
- Teachers may provide printed copies upon request.
- Report cards must be made available to parents by Friday, March 11th.
- A signed copy will be placed in the student's cume at the site at the end of the school year.
Teachers will indicate student progress toward standards mastery using the following rubric grades:
4 = Standards Exceeded
3 = Standard Met
2+ = Standard Nearly Met (but approaching)
2 = Standard Nearly Met
1 = Standard Not Met
The Santa Clarita Education Foundation Teacher Innovation Grant application period is now open.
Monday, February 21st, marked the federal holiday officially called Washington's Birthday, known mostly as Presidents' Day, a day designated, depending on which state you live in, to honor the first president, the first and third presidents, the first and 16th presidents, or all presidents.
- Parents will access their child's report card through the Aeries Parent Portal.
- Teachers may provide printed copies upon request.
- Report cards must be made available to parents by Friday, March 11th.
- A signed copy will be placed in the student's cume at the site at the end of the school year.
Teachers will indicate student progress toward standards mastery using the following rubric grades:
4 = Standards Exceeded
3 = Standard Met
2+ = Standard Nearly Met (but approaching)
2 = Standard Nearly Met
1 = Standard Not Met
Don't forget to keep your kiddos up to date on their writing for Young Authors. Please see the information and timeline for submissions and talk to your site rep for clarification and support!
The Santa Clarita Education Foundation Teacher Innovation Grant application period is now open.
Benchmark Training:
March 15th
Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend
Benchmark Education has invited you to a Zoom meeting.
Topic: Benchmark Advance/Adelante – K-1st Writing – Sulphur Springs School District, CA
Facilitator: Laura Fisher
When: March 15, 2022
TIME: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Benchmark Education has invited you to a Zoom meeting.
Topic: Benchmark Advance/Adelante – 2nd grade Writing – Sulphur Springs School District, CA
Facilitator: Faith Bearchell
When: March 15, 2022
TIME: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Benchmark Education has invited you to a Zoom meeting.
Topic: Benchmark Advance/Adelante – 3rd-6th Writing – Sulphur Springs School District, CA
Facilitator: Kimmie Heard
When: March 15, 2022
TIME: 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14th. It originated as a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and, through later folk traditions, has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.
For those of you with iPads who were experiencing audio issues for read alouds of Benchmark Advance books, the company said that they have created a “fix” for the problem. It should be automatically released on February 14th.
Don't forget to keep your kiddos up to date on their writing for Young Authors. Please see the information and timeline for submissions and talk to your site rep for clarification and support!
IMSE continues to release new seasonal resources. Click here to check out their new Valentine’s Day themed teaching and learning materials.
The California Department of Education (CDE) invites you to attend a new webinar—A Teacher’s Best Kept Secret: Interim Assessments and Tools for Teachers! This webinar will be held on March 1, 2022, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and is intended for all local educational agency staff, including administrators and classroom educators.
Hear from California classroom educators about specific ways they use Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments and Tools for Teachers resources to support instruction. Learn how the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments and Tools for Teachers instructional resources can be powerful tools for increasing the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the classroom. These tools can be your secret to saving time and making instructional decisions based on student needs!
Registration is available on the A Teacher’s Best Kept Secret: Interim Assessment and Tools for Teachers! webinar registration web page. We hope to see you there!
The PFT for 5th grade students is now open. Please see the informational video regarding the assessments.
Please note: the video discusses height and weight but this is NOT REQUIRED this year. Please see the link below for more information about PFT.
The following assessments will be conducted this year:
- Abdominal Strength - Curl Ups
- Aerobic Capacity - Mile
- Flexibility - Sit and Reach
- Trunk Extensor - Trunk Lift
- Upper Body - Push Ups
More detailed information will be sent to teachers and parents next week.
5th GRADE CAST (California Science Test) Practice
Did you know that there are CAST practice and training tests on the CAASPP website? If you are interested in using these materials in order to work with your students prior to the CAST assessment, you can access them by clicking here.
Please be sure to update/complete the ELD Matrix for all English Learner students. As stated previously, we're so excited that...WE HAVE A NEW PROGRAM COMING (see below)!! However, until then, we must complete the ELD Matrix for monitoring, compliance, and planning for our English Learner students.
ELPAC testing will begin on February 1st. We hope to begin assessments within the first week of February at most school sites. We are working to create tentative testing schedules for each site to allow you to have a tentative timeline of when we will be assessing your students. We will work around recess and lunch and will do our best to stick to the schedule, however we will also need your support and flexibility as changes to the schedule occur.
ELLevation is an online program to support the monitoring of English Learner and RFEP students.
More information and training is coming. In the meantime, please take a look at the introduction video.
Did you miss the Imagine Learning PD in December? Here a recording of the meeting:
Meeting Recording - Expires 3/1/2022
Access Passcode: 7RrZ?=z@
Tips and Tricks to Support Student Progress: Tip 3 - Allow for your student to be successful and pull away as they begin to grow.
- Be sure to give your student lots of support by giving them visual cues, dotted letters, sound lines with visual cues, finger tapping hand, etc. Give them as much as they need to begin to show success. They will also gain confidence during this time. Don’t pull these cues away too soon.
- Once students have shown success and gained confidence, begin to pull away from the visuals and extra support.
- Allow your students to become completely independent in all areas so that they can transfer what they learn into other classes.
The Santa Clarita Education Foundation Teacher Innovation Grant application period is now open.
The STAR Assessment window is now open. Please be sure that students only test ONE TIME during the assessment window. Please refer to the ASSESSMENT CALENDAR for dates.
Please be reminded that students are able to take tests at home. The window is open until 4:00pm each day to accommodate the Scholars@Home families.
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Also known as African American History Month. This was the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month. Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating Black history.
Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is just around the corner.
Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year 2022 will fall on Tuesday, February 1st, 2022, starting a year of the Tiger.
Celebrations of Chinese New Year traditionally last for 16 days, starting from Chinese New Year's Eve to the Lantern Festival. In 2022, that is from January 31st to February 15th.
As a public holiday, Chinese people will get 7 days off from work from January 31st to February 6th in 2022.
The most notable dates of the Lunar New Year 2022 are these three days:
- New Year's Day on February 1st, 2022
Traditionally Chinese Lunar New Year activities started as early as three weeks before Chinese New Year's Eve. Old-fashioned (mostly rural) folk start cleaning their houses from the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month (January 25th, 2022).
Summative ELPAC
ELPAC testing will begin on February 1st. We hope to begin assessments within the first week of February at most school sites. We are working to create tentative testing schedules for each site to allow you to have a tentative timeline of when we will be assessing your students. We will work around recess and lunch and will do our best to stick to the schedule, however we will also need your support and flexibility as changes to the schedule occur.
5th Grade CAST (California Science Test) Practice
Did you know that there are CAST practice and training tests on the CAASPP website? If you are interested in using these materials in order to work with your students prior to the CAST assessment, you can access them by clicking here.
Optional Webinar Opportunity for 3rd-6th Grade Teachers
The California Department of Education (CDE) invites you to attend a new webinar—A Teacher’s Best Kept Secret: Interim Assessments and Tools for Teachers! This webinar will be held on March 1, 2022, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and is intended for all local educational agency staff, including administrators and classroom educators.
Hear from California classroom educators about specific ways they use Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments and Tools for Teachers resources to support instruction. Learn how the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments and Tools for Teachers instructional resources can be powerful tools for increasing the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the classroom. These tools can be your secret to saving time and making instructional decisions based on student needs!
Registration is available on the A Teacher’s Best Kept Secret: Interim Assessment and Tools for Teachers! webinar registration web page. We hope to see you there!
Orton Gillingham
Tips and Tricks to Support Student Progress: Tip 2 - Allow for review of prior taught concepts!
- Always allow for a Three Part Drill at least 2-3 per week if you use IMSE OG every day. Do the Three Part Drill every time you meet, if you don’t see your student every day. Repetition is essential for mastery of concepts.
- Keep your review to 10-15 min. If you have several review concepts in your card deck, choose approximately 30 cards for the visual, 30 sounds for the auditory/kinesthetic, and create approximately 20 syllables during blending. Be sure to include the 5 vowels in all 3 parts of the drill along with new concepts and problem areas. This will help with mastery.
The Santa Clarita Education Foundation Teacher Innovation Grant application period is now open.
Canyon Springs - Jan LaJoice
Fair Oaks Ranch - Anne Amling
Golden Oak - Debbie Eaton
Leona Cox- Jen Twitchell
Mint Canyon - Jackie Charrow
Mitchell- Emily Fraker
Pinetree - Valerie Andrews
Sulphur Springs - Katie Calnan
Valley View- Kaitlyn Graff
This Spring all 3rd-6th grade students will participate in CAASPP assessments for ELA, Math, 5th grade Science, and 5th grade PE.
Students who are in need of accommodations must have them indicated on the CAASPP Accommodations form.
This form is for General Education and Students with 504 plans only.
Please complete a form for EACH STUDENT that is in need of accommodations for CAASPP this spring.
NOTE: Identified accommodations should be specific for each student and should be practiced during the school year.
Date Due: January 28th
Tips and Tricks to Support Student Progress: Tip 1 - Be sure that you are using each strategy with fidelity.
- Plan ahead and get an ‘object’ for each new concept taught. Choosing and manipulating an object that reinforces your new concept is perhaps the most important part of the multi-sensory experience. This is the opportunity to bring in a real-world object to help your student make a connection.
- Use the sensational sand for green concepts. While using a dry erase board or gel board are fine on occasion, using the sand or an iPad app allows the student to use those nerve endings in the tips of their fingers which helps strengthen mastery of concepts.
- Be sure that you are fingertapping words correctly in the application section of the lesson plan. There should never be more than 3 taps per syllable. Students should fingertap with their offhand and be ready to write with their dominant hand. Always go left to right. With multisyllabic words, be sure to fingertap one syllable at a time. Do a phonemic awareness activity beforehand as a warm-up.
- Don’t forget to stand when armtapping Red Words. These steps go from gross motor to fine motor. Standing is important! Be sure that your students are armtapping with the correct hand and going in the correct direction. They should be holding their red word in their offhand.
- Be sure to follow the Blue Flip Chart and do the steps as they were meant to be done. Don’t skip parts. Otherwise, it’s no longer being taught with fidelity.
- Spend time every day on phonemic awareness at least through 2nd grade or beyond with struggling readers.
Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase
The City of Santa Clarita is celebrating Youth Art Month by hosting the Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase on Saturday, March 19, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., located at The Centre. The free event gives students in the Santa Clarita Valley an opportunity to showcase their talent by performing or displaying their art for the community. CLICK HERE for a link to the City of Santa Clarita website that tells all about it.
In addition, there is an art contest students can participate in. The deadline to submit is March 1, 2022.
We hope you had a wonderful winter break with your family and friends. It's been a challenging few days back, but we are so grateful to work with such a dynamic and dedicated team of teachers and staff!
Martin Luther King Jr. (born Michael King Jr.; January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesman and leader in the American civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. King advanced civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience, inspired by his Christian beliefs and the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi.
New dates for ELD Support and Combo Support will be released soon.
Thank you for understanding.
ELLevation is an online program to support the monitoring of English Learner and RFEP students.
More information and training is coming. In the meantime, please take a look at the introduction video.
Did you miss the Imagine Learning PD in December? Here a recording of the meeting:
Meeting Recording - Expires 3/1/2022
Access Passcode: 7RrZ?=z@
The California Department of Education (CDE) invites you to attend a new webinar—Tools for Teachers and Other Formative Assessment Resources at Your Fingertips. This webinar will be held on January 25, 2022, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., and is intended for all local educational agency staff, including administrators and classroom educators.
Join us to learn how educators can leverage state-provided online tools including the:
- Smarter Content Explorer
- Interim Assessment Item Portal
- Smarter Annotated Response Tool
- Sample Items website
- Tools for Teachers website
- Interim Assessment Viewing System
- California Educator Reporting System Sandbox
California educators will highlight ways they use these online tools to support the implementation of the formative assessment process in their local context. CDE staff will provide a live demonstration of a few of the tools. The tools and resources discussed during this webinar are available to all California K-12 educators and are designed to support the formative assessment process during instruction.
Registration is available on the Tools for Teachers and Other Formative Assessment Resources at Your Fingertips webinar registration web page. We hope to see you there!
Please forward this announcement to any local educational agency staff who may be interested. Questions regarding this webinar should be directed to the California Outreach Team by email at CalOutreach@ets.org.
California Outreach Team
DECEMBER 20, 2021 - JANUARY 7, 2022
VAPA Information Form
Thank you to those who have completed the VAPA Information Form. Please CLICK HERE to complete the form so we can give the artists your Zoom link information.
Are you looking for lessons that you can use during ELD time? If so, please attend one of our ELD Professional Development sessions on January 18 or January 20 from 3:45-4:45. This meeting will provide you with resources that you can use during ELD and to support your students on their ELPAC test.
January 18, 2022 @ 3:45pm or January 20, 2022 3:45pm
How do you meet the needs of students in your combo class?
Join us for ideas, support and sample lessons.
January 24, 2022 @ 3:45pm and January 25, 2022 @ 3:45pm
Did you miss the Imagine Learning PD in December? Here is a recording of the meeting:
Meeting Recording - Expires 3/1/2022
Access Passcode: 7RrZ?=z@
The Santa Clarita Education Foundation Teacher Innovation Grant application period is now open.
The deadline to apply is Monday, December 13th at 5pm.
The CLASS Foundation is excited to fund grants of up to $500 to teachers for creative projects that engage students in high-impact learning opportunities in the areas of creativity, innovation, or wellness.
There is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet as well to answer your questions that you can access here.
We are excited to bring back our Young Authors Event. A date of May 16, 2022 has been set for the virtual event. More information regarding the event to follow. Please see a copy of the guidelines HERE.
Blending Board Ideas
Did you know that IMSE offers a variety of seasonal resources, designed to engage your students in your Orton Gillingham lessons? Click here to access these fun activities and teaching materials.
Would you like some OG screens?
OG screens are placed under writing paper to create a sensory experience when learning the spelling of words.
Please email Michanne Dempsey at the District Office if interested: mdempsey@sssd.k12.ca.us
Using Data to Inform Instruction in Language & Literacy Webinar
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
3:45 - 5:00
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 996 5155 7275
Passcode: 373162
Teachers will be paid $34 per hour for their time spent training.
If you are interested in receiving Orton Gillingham training through IMSE, please see the training schedule below (please note all times listed are PST):
Virtual Comprehensive
February 19th - February 20 and February 26 - February 27th from 8:00am - 4:30pm
April 4 - April 8th from 7:00am - 2:30pm
Virtual Intermediate
April 4 - April 8th from 8:00am - 3:30pm
These training session dates and times are outside of the school day/year, so teachers may submit a time sheet for extra duty hours.
Teachers will be paid $34 per hour for their time spent training.
Please send your completed conference request form to Debbie Gage in Ed. Services.
- Do you need additional support with using the Aeries Grade book?
- Do you have questions about entering student information?
There are FREE trainings for teachers on the Aeries Website. Please click the link below to access these self paced free trainings.
Teachers will not be paid to attend, but the information is invaluable!
The Santa Clarita Education Foundation Teacher Innovation Grant application period is now open.
The deadline to apply is Monday, December 13th at 5pm.
The CLASS Foundation is excited to fund grants of up to $500 to teachers for creative projects that engage students in high-impact learning opportunities in the areas of creativity, innovation, or wellness.
There is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet as well to answer your questions that you can access here.
Blending Board Ideas
The Blending portion of the Three Part Drill can be used in a variety of ways.
Here are some variations:
- Human Blending Board: You can do a gross motor activity with your students. Have students hold the initial consonant pile, the medial (vowel) pile, and the final consonant pile. Have other students blend the words. Students hold up their letter when students are segmenting sounds. Then all students hold their letter up when blending the word. You can also have a student come in to add the Magic E or -ed. Click here to watch an example of the human blending board.
- Rhyming Word Families: Another variation is to only change the initial consonant pile. This will help with rhyming words and word families.
- Short vowels: When working on short vowels, only change the vowel card and keep the beginning and ending consonant piles the same.
- Initial consonant pile: You can also just remove the initial consonant pile if students struggle with blending. This will ensure students begin with a continuant sound. They will have two sounds to blend instead of three.
- Blending Board Notebook: Bend a three-ring binder inside out. Attach index cards with letters to each of the rings to have beginning, medial, and final letter piles. Students can flip cards and blend words together in centers.
- Gross Motor Tap-A-Long: To get your students more involved, have them tap and blend on their desks as you tap and blend on the blending board. You can also use a rubber band to stretch across the blending board to represent blending words.
Using Data to Inform Instruction in Language & Literacy Webinar
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
3:45 - 5:00
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 996 5155 7275
Passcode: 373162
If you are interested in receiving Orton Gillingham training through IMSE, please see the training schedule below (please note all times listed are PST):
Virtual Comprehensive
February 19th - February 20 and February 26 - February 27th from 8:00am - 4:30pm
April 4 - April 8th from 7:00am - 2:30pm
Virtual Intermediate
April 4 - April 8th from 8:00am - 3:30pm
These training session dates and times are outside of the school day/year, so teachers may submit a time sheet for extra duty hours.
Teachers will be paid $32 per hour for their time spent training.
Please send your completed conference request form to Debbie Gage in Ed. Services.
We are pleased to share that Educational Services will offer a Winter Academy the week of January 3rd. Long Term English Learner Students in 4th - 6th grade have been invited to attend.
This week each site will receive the invitations for Winter Academy. Since space is limited. Teachers should send all completed forms to the District Office. Attention: Nathan Arentoft.
Winter Academy 2022
Dates: January 3rd-7th
Where: Valley View School
Times: 8:00-11:30am (breakfast from 8:00-8:30am)
We are excited to bring back our Young Authors Event. A date of May 16, 2022 has been set for the virtual event. More information regarding the event to follow. Please see a copy of the guidelines HERE.
Many teachers and parents express concerns about students making reversals, especially regarding letters b, d, p, q. Is this normal? According to normal development, it is very common for children who are learning to write, even up to age 7. Some researchers say this is because young minds are still developing. Others say it’s simply because they aren’t attentive to what they are writing or haven’t learned directionality.
Here are some tips to try to stop the reversals using multi-sensory instruction:
Use a green crayon, screen, and house paper to practice letter formation. There should be plenty of practice with these letters.
Practice writing these letters in the sand, fingerpaint, or another medium.
Have students “Make Your Bed, Pretty Quickly” by giving a thumbs up, putting knuckles together, and seeing your hands in the shape of a b and a d. Then flip them upside down to see the p and q.
Place a lowercase b inside the Capital B to see that it fits inside the B. The lowercase d does not.
Have posters available in the room for students to check their work. (b poster; d poster)
Consider teaching cursive handwriting to upper grade students. Students rarely have reversals when writing in cursive.
Benchmark Advance
Some teachers have shared that they would like access to the graphic organizers in Benchmark’s Steps to Advance program. All teachers within the district are able to use Steps to Advance Resources through their Clever accounts. Click here to find out more about how to access these materials.
Teachers can differentiate at least four classroom elements based on student readiness, interest, or learning profile:
Content – what the student needs to learn or how the student will get access to the information;
Process – activities in which the student engages in order to make sense of or master the content;
Products – culminating projects that ask the student to rehearse, apply, and extend what he or she has learned in a unit; and
Learning environment – the way the classroom works and feels.
When differentiating products, teachers offer their students a variety of ways to demonstrate their knowledge. Click here to read more on what this looks like.
Using Data to Inform Instruction in Language & Literacy Webinar
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
3:45 - 5:00
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 996 5155 7275
Passcode: 373162
Our next Comprehensive (Grades K-3) OG Support meeting will be on:
Tuesday, November 30 from 3:45-5:00.
We are still looking for input on the topics. If you are interested in participating, please complete the Google form to share input about the topics that would be of interest to you. We will be covering the topic of syllable division and other areas of interest indicated on the Google form.
Meeting ID: 818 7445 3709 Passcode: 710833
Teacher Innovation Grants
Information regarding how to apply for up to $500.00 for Innovation Grants will be announced beginning DECEMBER 1st from the CLASS Foundation.
Teachers, students and parents have had the opportunity to use the Studies Weekly Program for Social Studies instruction. This survey asks for your feedback regarding the program components, alignment to grade level standards, and ease of use for teachers and students.
For reference, the Executive Summary of Social Studies Framework is here for review.
Similarly named festival holidays occur in Germany and Japan. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and around the same part of the year in other places.
Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.
Thanksgiving Resources
Click here to access the article by Katie Novak. You should also check out the resources at the bottom of the page.
Differentiation is an important strategy to be used during the school day for English Learners, GATE, and students in need of intervention. The Ed Services Team has held several after school PD meetings regarding differentiation for GATE and EL students. Below is additional information and resources you can use for differentiation:
Click here for resources and suggestions you can use with your students in ELA, Math, & Science. These resources are from our adopted curriculum materials. It includes live links to lessons and other great information.
Here is a Sample DLP. Please make sure to complete a Differentiated Learning Plan for each student participating in GATE: DLP
Here is a Sample DLP. Please make sure to complete a Differentiated Learning Plan for each student participating in GATE: DLP
When filling out the DLP, please use Intellectual Ability (IA) since that is what the NNAT (GATE Test) measured. Qualifications were based heavily on GATE Test results and teacher input.
Three Great Rules: Rule 3 - Change
The final rule in the Three Great Rules is called the change rule. This rule applies to words ending in y. Change the y to i if there is a consonant before the y. Do not change it if there is a vowel before the y. There is an exception to this rule: y + ing “love” each other and are never separated. This can be taught after you teach y as a vowel. Click here to watch a video about the change rule.
Don’t forget...
Teachers can teach one of the rules per week after corresponding content. It can also be taught all in the same week depending on the ability of your students. Once you’ve taught these rules, allow for multiple opportunities for continued practice in the classroom.
Upcoming Comprehensive OG Support (Grades TK-3)
We will be holding an OG Support meeting on Tuesday, November 30 from 3:45-5:00. If you are interested in participating, please complete the Google form to share input about the topics that would be of interest to you.
What started at the turn of the century as an effort to gain a day of recognition for the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth of the U.S., has resulted in a whole month being designated for that purpose.
Veterans Day (originally known as Armistice Day) is a Federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans, who are people who have served in the United States Armed Forces (that were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable). It coincides with other holidays including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day which are celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I. Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 when the Armistice with Germany went into effect. At the urging of major U.S. veteran organizations, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954.
All YES and NO letters have been sent to school sites. Please make sure to send letters home with students.
- The YES letters also include permission slips. Please file the returned permission slips in the cum.
- If a parent does not want their child to participate in GATE, please email Nathan Arentoft: narentoft@sssd.k12.ca.us
- A copy of the actual GATE NNAT Report has also been sent to the school site and should be placed in the cum.
- If parents want to see the actual score they should contact the school office to view their child’s score.
- Please make sure to complete a Differentiated Learning Plan for each student participating in GATE: DLP
At the 3rd-6th grade Inspire Science training, an ELA & Inspire Science correlation resource was mentioned. Many teachers noted they received the snap in resources for the Wonders ELA Program, but not Benchmark.
Teachers did receive the Benchmark Advance materials. However, it doesn’t “snap in”. Please double check your materials and let Nicole Packer in Ed. Services know if you are missing this resource.
Click here to find a list of ALL the materials received from Inspire Science--they are organized by grade level.
Three Great Rules: Rule 2 - Drop
Last week we learned that the first Great Spelling Rule is the doubling rule. The second Great Spelling Rule is the drop rule. This rule applies to silent-e base words. When adding a vowel suffix to a silent-e base word, drop the final e. Do not drop the final e if the suffix begins with a consonant. This can be taught after teaching Magic E, as long as students are familiar with various suffixes.
Instructional materials for students that move to another site- Teachers must send all of the student 's materials with the student that is moving to another school within our district.
Be sure to send every unit or volume of their materials. New sets of materials are only provided to students that are new to our district.
Library books that have been checked out should returned prior to the student moving to the new site.
2021-2022 IMC Text and Materials Order Form
This form is for teachers to order materials for new students or teaching items directly from the IMC.
IMC Reservation Form Please use this form to reserve a time to laminate, copy or have access to items in the IMC. There is a 3 person limit at this time.
A Season of Kindness
A message to our parents and friends...
“What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The holiday season brings with it a spirit of giving in the form of good cheer, celebrations with family and friends, warmth and reflection. It also brings to mind the remembrance of grace and kindness. One way to show kindness is to spend time with those you hold dear and our children need and deserve the warmth and kindness of those around them.
Showing kindness to our children can be done in multiple ways and one of the best is to create memories through story time, reading and conversations about wonderful books. In addition to the holiday season, November is also National Family Literacy Month and there are more reasons than ever before to engage in reading with our children starting at a very young age. It builds vocabulary skills, expands attention span, improves listening skills, develops imagination and creativity, and it's portable and free! Here is a link to multiple book titles that are focused on kindness for children of all ages and the young at heart! https://www.readbrightly.com/childrens-books-about-kindness/
PDD #3
The third Professional Development Day (PDD #3) will be held on Monday, November 1st, 8:00am - 3:30pm. All teachers will participate in the virtual sessions from their school site.
The day will include training and informational sessions from Benchmark Advance, Inspire Science, various sessions for special education teachers and time for planning with colleagues.
Note: Participants must register ahead of time for the virtual meetings.
2nd - 6th grade teachers, thank you for your support in reviewing the GATE data with the Ed Services Team. The Ed Services Department will send letters and copies of the GATE Results to all families beginning the first week of November. Please contact Ms. Vivian Fiss with questions.
JOIN US FOR PD (only need to attend one of the options below)
Please remember to complete your ELD Matrices and RFEP Monitoring Forms. These should be turned in to your principal along with your report cards.
Three Great Rules: Rule 1 - Double
English is a complex language, especially for young students and those learning English as a second language. After teaching the Three Great Rules, students are equipped to read and spell a greater number of words. These rules also pair nicely with grammar instruction. The first rule in the Three Great rules, is the doubling rule.
Doubling Rule
This rule applies to 1-1-1 base words (one syllable words with one short vowel sound and one ending consonant sound). When adding a vowel suffix to a 1-1-1 base word, double the final consonant prior to adding the suffix. Do not double if the suffix begins with a consonant.
A more advanced part of this rule is to double the final consonant in two syllable words where the second syllable has a short vowel with a single consonant, and is in a stressed syllable when adding a suffix that begins with a vowel.
Strategy of the Week: Think-Pair-Share
Think-Pair-Share is a great way to check for understanding with your students. The strategy can be used in all content areas before, during, or after a lesson. You can use the information that you gather, while listening to students, to drive your instruction and make adjustments in the moment. This is how the strategy works:
T : (Think) Teachers begin by asking a specific question about the text. Students "think" about what they know or have learned about the topic.
P : (Pair) Each student should be paired with another student or a small group.
S : (Share) Students share their thinking with their partner. Teachers expand the "share" into a whole-class discussion.
Click here to view a video of the strategy in action, along with more suggestions on how to implement it in your classroom.
Students will complete STAR and ESGI Fall Assessments beginning next week, October 18th - November 5th. Students are to only take the assessments ONE TIME during this window. Data will be uploaded into Illuminate on November 8th.
- Parents will access their child's report card through the Aeries Parent Portal.
- Teachers may provide printed copies upon request.
- Report cards must be made available to parents by Friday, November 19th.
- A signed copy will be placed in the student's cume at the site at the end of the school year.
Teachers will indicate student progress toward standards mastery using the following rubric grades:
4 = Standards Exceeded
3 = Standard Met
2+ = Standard Nearly Met (but approaching)
2 = Standard Nearly Met
1 = Standard Not Met
Some teachers have shared that they need bins to store their new science materials. Inspire Science will be providing the district with 66 quart tubs/bins. If you need additional bins to store your science materials, please fill out the Science Tub Survey
The District will offer a 1 week academy focused on ELA and Math skills for students during the 3rd week of Winter Break. If you are interested in teaching during this time, please complete the Winter Academy Interest Form.
Teachers will be paid the extra duty rate for 4 hours each day, which includes planning and teaching time (3 hours teaching and 1 hour of prep). In addition, 4 hours of prep time will be paid as well.
Teachers, students and parents have had the opportunity to use the Studies Weekly Program for Social Studies instruction. This survey asks for your feedback regarding the program components, alignment to grade level standards, and ease of use for teachers and students.
For reference, the Executive Summary of Social Studies Framework is here for review.
The District will offer a 1 week academy focused on ELA and Math skills for students during the 3rd week of Winter Break. If you are interested in teaching during this time, please complete the Winter Academy Interest Form.
Teachers will be paid the extra duty rate for 4 hours each day, which includes planning and teaching time (3 hours teaching and 1 hour of prep). In addition, 4 hours of prep time will be paid as well.
Monday, October 25th
3:45pm - 4:45pm
PDD #3
November 1st will be Professional Development Day #3. The Day will be held virtually. More information will be shared in the coming days!
Strategy of the Week: Flash White Boards
Ask students a question designed to determine the students’ level of understanding for the concept being covered. Then have the students write the answer on their own whiteboards and hold them up for you to see. Do a quick sweep to assess their understanding before they put them away. Then use that information to guide your lesson or to help you determine which students need more support.
Students will complete STAR and ESGI Fall Assessments beginning next week, October 18th - November 5th. Students are to only take the assessments ONE TIME during this window. Data will be uploaded into Illuminate on November 8th.
The Final Mile Challenge encourages students to exercise and eat healthy while training to run the final mile of the 2022 Santa Clarita Marathon. To participate, students must register by January 15, 2022 and complete all 25 training miles before race day on February 12. Click here for more info and running logs. Final Mile Challenge
PE is an important part of the school day and a mandated requirement for students. To support this requirement outside of the school day, information is being shared regarding the Final Mile Challenge. ALSO - NOW IS THE TIME to get ready for PE Testing for 5th graders. The window opens in March but conditioning should begin NOW.
A few teachers have been emailing about students who have previously taken a test and the need to reset it. Please CLICK HERE for directions.
Students will complete STAR and ESGI Fall Assessments beginning next week, October 18th - November 5th. Students are to only take the assessments ONE TIME during this window. Data will be uploaded into Illuminate on November 8th.
2nd - 6th grade teachers, thank you for your support in reviewing the GATE data with the Ed Services Team. The Ed Services Department will send letters and copies of the GATE Results to all families beginning the first week of November. Please contact Ms. Vivian Fiss with questions.
JOIN US FOR PD (only need to attend one of the options below)
- November 2nd: 3:45 - 5:00pm
- November 9th, 3:45 - 5:00pm
Now that we are back on campus, teachers, students and parents have had the opportunity to use the Studies Weekly Program for in person and/or online Social Studies instruction.
This survey is being resent to ask for your feedback regarding the program components, alignment to grade level standards, and ease of use for teachers and students. Results from this survey will help in determining if a Social Studies committee needs to be convened to recommend adoption for this program or another California State approved curriculum.
For reference, the Executive Summary of Social Studies Framework is here for review.
Please complete this survey by Friday, November 5, 2021
Our first Intermediate (Grades 3-6) OG Support meeting will be held virtually on Monday, October 25 from 3:45-5:00pm. The topics we will be covering include the syllable division, encoding (pounding and tapping), and morphemes.
Creepy Crawly Morphology Activity
- Make a spooky spider web
- Choose a Greek or Latin base
- Add prefixes and suffixes to build words
- Arrange your web with the Greek or Latin base in the center and related words along the outsides
Please make sure you are completing the Matrix for each EL student in your class by reviewing it throughout the year.
This is a major compliance issue and these red folders must be completed.
Here is the link to all of the Matrices. Please make a copy so that you can type directly into the folder.
Professional Development
(Zoom Meeting ID: 868 4867 7085 Passcode: 068049)
Until then, if you need support, please contact Katie Palacios in Educational Services.
Checking for Understanding (CFU) is the backbone of effective instruction. Checking for Understanding is the teacher continually verifying that students are learning what is being taught while it is being taught. CFU provides the teacher the opportunity to improve learning based on student responses throughout the teaching and learning process. Using CFU in “real-time” allows teachers to make crucial instructional decisions as necessary (like re-teaching) during lesson delivery.
If you need support, please reach out to Nicole Packer and/or Katie Palacios to arrange class support.
Boss's Day for the year 2021 is celebrated/ observed on Friday, October 15.
Boss's day is held on October 16th or closest week day each year and is a day for workers to show appreciation to management or their boss. Boss's Day is a day for the team to show their appreciation to their Boss.
Checking for Understanding (CFU) is the backbone of effective instruction. Checking for Understanding is the teacher continually verifying that students are learning what is being taught while it is being taught. CFU provides the teacher the opportunity to improve learning based on student responses throughout the teaching and learning process. Using CFU in “real-time” allows teachers to make crucial instructional decisions as necessary (like re-teaching) during lesson delivery.
If you need support, please reach out to Nicole Packer and/or Katie Palacios to arrange class support.
The District will offer a 1 week academy focused on ELA and Math skills for students during the 3rd week of Winter Break. If you are interested in teaching during this time, please complete the Winter Academy Interest Form.
Teachers will be paid the extra duty rate for 4 hours each day, which includes planning and teaching time (3 hours teaching and 1 hour of prep). In addition, 4 hours of prep time will be paid as well.
All interest forms must be completed by 10/29/2021.
ELD Matrices and Training for ELD Matrices
Please make sure you are completing the Matrix for each EL student in your class by reviewing it throughout the year.
This is a major compliance issue and these red folders must be completed.
Professional Development will be offered on October 13 and October 21 from 3:45-4:45pm. Click Here to attend the training on October 13.
(Zoom Meeting ID: 868 4867 7085 Passcode: 068049)
Until then, if you need support, please contact Katie Palacios in Educational Services.
The report card window
in Aeries is now open.
Thank you Kim Grim!
All Teachers should run the updates for the Zoom app. Select "change install location" and select "
In Renaissance, the “MyOn” option has been turned off. We utilized this feature as part of our distance learning so students had access to books. All school libraries will be opening next week, October 11th.
Additionally, if students need books, students are able to check out books digitally via our SCV Public Libraries or use Epic! through the Clever app.
Thank you for your support and diligence during the GATE Assessment process.
Below is a key to help read the results:
- 128 and above Automatic Yes
- 126 and 127 Yes
- 120-125 Maybe
- 119 and Below No
Because of the large number of students that were tested, all of the students that did not pass are not included in these Google Sheets.
Vivian Fiss will be visiting sites to meet with teachers to schedule time to review students that scored between 120-125. STAR data has been added to help review all students highlighted in yellow.
We are excited about our newly adopted NGSS curriculum. As you familiarize yourself with this new resource, please remember to use the Inspire Science Padlet that was provided during PDD #2.
The Digital Deep Dive video link in the padlet does a nice job of walking you through the online resources.
Password: inspire
Password: inspire
If you participated in Comprehensive or Intermediate OG training, we are excited to inform you that you have access to a free IMSE OG refresher course through the IMSE website.
Our first Intermediate 3-5 OG Support meeting will be held on Monday, October 25 from 3:45-5:00. If you are interested in participating, please complete the Google form to give your input about the topics that would be of interest to you.
Orton Gillingham
Phonics: 1-1-1 Rules: ss, ll, ff, zz
The S-L-F-Z Doubling Rule which sometimes is referred to as the 1-1-1 Rule or Sammy rule, helps students determine when to double the final consonant in a word. Whether you are using Zoe Loves Fried Spaghetti or Sammy Loves Friendly Zebras as the acronym, you are trying to help students remember which letters are doubled at the end of words.
Students should use the below criteria when deciding if the last letter needs to be doubled:
Is it a one syllable word?
Does it have a single short vowel?
Does it end in s, l, f, or z?
If a student answers ‘yes’ to all 3 questions, then the final letter should most likely get doubled.
Click here to view a brief video explaining the 1-1-1 Rule.
Upcoming Professional Development
Math Expressions
Think Central Basics & the Personal Math Trainer
October 14: A training for Think Central will be held via Zoom from 3:45-5:00. Participants can learn about the all the resources available in Think Central and how to get started with the Personal Math Trainer.
November 10: Join us for a more in depth look at Personal Math trainer via Zoom from 3:45-5:00. Learn about the modes and workflows in the PMT, how to make assignments, and run reports.
PDD #3
Professional Development Day #3 will be held on November 1. Trainers from Inspire Science will be leading sessions focused on the curriculum.
We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American champions who have inspired others to achieve success.
Discover documents, exhibits, films, blog posts and more from the National Archives and Presidential Libraries that highlight Hispanic culture.
This week, teachers will participate in Goal Setting/Fall Engagement Meetings.
Grade Level Brochures and an informational letter has been linked on the District website for parent access.
Thank you for all you're doing to support our kids and good luck at the conferences!
A meeting with GATE Leads will take place via Zoom on Monday, October 11th at 3:45 PM. GATE Lead Teachers will be paid extra duty rate to attend.
GATE Leads: Please look for an email from Mrs. Vivian Fiss with zoom link to attend the meeting.
October 7th 3:45pm
Curriculum Council Reps: Please look for an email from Dr. Jezelle Fullwood with zoom link to attend the meeting.
Curriculum Council Reps will be paid extra duty rate to attend.
Look for an email from TOMS/CAASPP/CalTac on Wednesday, October 6th with your login information.
Teachers will have 24 hours to respond.
Tools for Teachers is an online collection of instructional and professional learning formative resources aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
It includes...
- lessons designed to enhance instruction
- save teachers time in lesson planning
- help boost student learning, and support curriculum planning and implementation
- The content is created by educators and serves as a formative assessment component of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System.
Phonics: ng / nk
Teaching phonics and writing within the same lesson is a powerful way to reinforce student learning. When teaching the -ng and -nk ending as vowel units, students identify how the vowel sounds change in words such as thank and wing. Recipe for Reading includes monosyllabic and multisyllabic words for each ending (ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, and unk), as well as limericks for decoding and fluency practice.
There once was a dog named Pink,
Who really had a bad stink!
She got in the mud
And fell with a thud.
She might need a bath, I think!
IMSE recommends students write original limericks incorporating words with -ng and -nk endings. Students may use a teacher-provided word list or brainstorm other words containing these vowel units. Linking the phonetic concept with grammar and writing helps students generalize the new concept. Encouraging creativity also helps increase student motivation.
Comprehension: Tableau
Tableau is where your students must create a “snapshot” of a certain section of a reading passage. For instance, think of the famous memorial that represents Hiro Jima. It’s a statue of soldiers holding up the American Flag. In this still image, a story is being told.
Tableau works the same way. Students work together in groups to display a “snapshot” or “statues” of a certain part of a story so that it tells a story. As the teacher, you can actually take their picture and display their “statue stories” on a bulletin board. You can have them do this for several different sections of the story and display them in sequential order. The “snapshots” should tell the story. It’s a little bit like acting out a scene, but there is no movement. They are simply statues or becoming a picture. A picture is worth a thousand words.
To support students with fine motor skills and handwriting, the District is ordering Handwriting Without Tears - BOOKS ONLY - for all TK-3rd grade students and 4th-6th grade special education students.
If you would like to use these books in your classroom with students, please complete this form NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1st.
Grant Opportunity
California Credit Union is currently offering grant opportunities of up to $500 for teachers within Los Angeles County. They are looking to award up to 10 teachers with funding for innovative learning opportunities. Grant applications are due by October 1. Click here to learn more about the Fall Teacher Grant.
BIG WELCOME to Michanne Dempsey - our new IMC Tech! We are so honored to have her on the Ed Services Team!
We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American champions who have inspired others to achieve success.
Discover documents, exhibits, films, blog posts and more from the National Archives and Presidential Libraries that highlight Hispanic culture.
Thank you for your patience with the technological challenges of GATE assessments.
Several 4th grade students were assigned the wrong grade level for GATE testing. This has now been corrected by Pearson and all 4th grade, and other grade level, teachers may begin/continue testing now.
Please check to make sure all your students match their grade level and their grade matches their test level.
Any students who have taken the wrong test, must be retested, and those students have been removed from their sessions.
Nathan is now creating a new session for the students who have to retest, but if you are missing students or you find students who are still at the wrong grade level or testing level, please contact Nathan as soon as possible.
Due to these challenges, teachers have until the end of the day on Thursday, September 23rd to complete 4th grade tests and any make-ups in other grade levels due to students being absent, quarantined, etc...
GATE TESTING FOR Scholars@Home students will take place at the District Office in the Board Room on Monday September 20th.
All families that have given permission for students to be assessed, have been contacted with the date and appointment times as follows:
- 11:00am: 5th/6th grade
- 2:15pm: 3rd/4th grade
- 3:15pm: 2nd grade
Please click on the link to see an informational video.
PLEASE SEE VIDEO (to the left)
When teaching suffix -ed, it’s important to have students understand why -ed makes 3 different sounds.
- -ed says /id/ when the base word ends with /d/ or /t/ (hunted or jaded)
- -ed says /d/ when the base word ends with a voiced sound (pleased)
- -ed says /t/ when the base word ends with an unvoiced sound (kissed)
- When encoding, first state the base word. Students should only finger-tap the base word. Then write it.
- Then have students add -ed and tell you what sound it will make (and why).
- Then have students rewrite the full word.
Our first Comprehensive TK-2 OG Support meeting will be held virtually on Monday, September 20 from 3:45-5:00. The topics we will be covering include the three part drill, red words, and vowel intensives. If you are interested in joining, please click on the Zoom link.
Next week, teachers will participate in Goal Setting/Fall Engagement Meetings.
Grade Level Brochures and an informational letter has been linked on the District website for parent access. Thank you for all you're doing to support our kids and good luck at the conferences!
Students have access to AR at home until 4:00pm each day.
In the United States, Patriot Day occurs on September 11th of each year in memory of the victims in the September 11th attacks in 2001.
Thank you for completing your Goal Setting Assessments in ESGI and STAR. REMINDER: There are NO ENTRIES REQUIRED IN ILLUMINATE. All documents will be completed in STAR and ESGI. Linked HERE is the PowerPoint which details all of the required documents for Goal Setting.
GATE Testing will take place between September 7-17. The GATE assessment is online and will be conducted by teachers in their classrooms. Teachers should select a date and time for the assessment that works with their schedule. The testing will take approximately 1 hour to complete. Click here for more information about what you need to do before, during and after testing.
Scholars@Home GATE testing will take place at the District Office. The district office will contact families who have completed permission forms to schedule a time for the assessment.
September 14 @ 3:45-5:00 - Math Expressions for New Teachers (virtual click here)
September 16 - Math Expressions: Personal Math Trainer (virtual click here)
Please click on the link to see an informational video for "Blends" https://vimeo.com/426027072/b841cd289d
Tips for working with r and l blends:
Blends still make 2 or 3 sounds. Fingertaps do not always equal the number of sounds. IMSE gives blends one tap to help with co-articulation. Think about your articulators for the /t/ sound in tip. Now think about your articulators for the /t/ sound in truck. If students need to tap out each sound, they can tap each sound of the blend with the same finger. For example, in the word truck, students could tap twice (/t/ /r/) with the pinky (or thumb). Then build up to giving it one tap.
- R does not say /er/. Therefore br- would not say /ber/. The mouth should be closed and lips slightly parted. To help, start to state a word like “brush” and cut yourself off before the vowel.
- L does not say /luh/. Therefore, bl- would not say /bluh/. It’s also not a word (bull). Your tongue should end behind your teeth. Again, start to state a word like “blue” and cut yourself off before the vowel. If you continue to struggle with this, hold out the /l/ sound. This is better than adding a vowel.
- The beginning l blends do not have the same sounds as the consonant -le sounds (bl vs. ble). Consonant le adds a syllable. The ‘l’ is creating a vowel sound in words like table. Bl- does not have a vowel sound and therefore, does not create an additional syllable.
- When preparing a dictation page for words with blends, remember to include the “mini sound lines” underneath each larger sound line where there is a blend to indicate that you still hear two sounds (or three as in blends like spr-).
- When you have a digraph blend, be sure to include a wavy sound line and a mini sound line to indicate both (shr-/thr-/-nch).
- Finally, always begin with a phonemic awareness warm-up before having students write these words. Ask students: How many sounds do you hear in sprint? (6) Use tokens to push up each sound: /s/ /p/ /r/ /i/ /n/ /t/. Then take a look at the dictation page. There would be 3 lines. The first line would have 3 mini sound lines under it (indicating that I still hear 3 sounds). The last line would have 2 mini sound lines under (indicating that I still hear 2 sounds). Students would give it 3 fingertaps (or they can tap each sound in the blend with the same finger) since we combine the first and last blends into one tap each.
Our first Comprehensive TK-2 OG Support meeting will be held on Monday, September 20 from 3:45-5:00. If you are interested in participating, please complete the Google form to give your input about the topics that would be of interest to you.
Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. Click here to find Labor Day activities for your students.
GATE Testing will take place between September 7-17. The GATE assessment is online and will be conducted by teachers in their classrooms. Teachers should select a date and time for the assessment that works with their schedule. The testing will take approximately 1 hour to complete. Click here for more information about what you need to do before, during and after testing.
Scholars at home GATE testing will take place at the district office. The district office will contact families who have completed permission forms to schedule a time for the assessment.
Dog walking craft and blending board for your animal lovers! Students will love walking out their words with a 3-D pup on a leash! Slip the board into a transparent sleeve and have students cut out the dog figure. Use a straw for the leash. Read, erase, reuse , have fun !
Notice: Due to the current statewide shortage of substitute teachers, we are unable to approve Orton Gillingham training during the school day. Feel free to sign up for opportunities to attend OG training outside of the school day. Teachers will be paid extra duty pay to attend these sessions.
TK, K, and 1st Grade Teachers
In an effort to ensure we have enough licenses for Seesaw users, we need to know if you are using the platform with your students.
Please click the blue link for the Seesaw Form.
Please complete this form by Tuesday, September 7th.
September 14 @ 3:45-5:00 - Math Expressions for New Teachers (virtual)
September 16 - Math Expressions: Personal Math Trainer (virtual)
Reminders for Daily Schedules
All classroom schedules need to include 30 minutes of designated ELD (if there are EL students in the class) and 200 minutes of Physical Education every two weeks.
Orton Gillingham
The three part drill should be administered at least two to three times per week for general education classrooms or daily for intervention and Kindergarten. This review drill is key in helping your students master concepts.
Do you need a Clever badge for one of your students? Click here for directions for how to print a Clever badge!
Initial ELPAC
We have begun initial ELPAC testing for TBD students. We have a short timeline to complete these assessments, as they must be completed by September 10. Our ELPAC team is small and needs to assess all TBD students in the district, therefore we will not be able to reschedule the assessments. We will do our best to work around recess and lunch schedules. We appreciate your flexibility.
Math Expressions
September 14 @ 3:45-5:00 - Math Expressions for New Teachers (virtual)
September 16 - Math Expressions: Personal Math Trainer (virtual)
"Teachers affect eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." - Henry B. Adams
Initial ELPAC
We will begin working on initial ELPAC testing on Monday, August 23. We have a short timeline to complete these assessments, as they must be completed by September 10. Our ELPAC team is small and needs to assess all TBD students in the district, therefore we will not be able to reschedule the assessments. We will do our best to work around recess and lunch schedules. We appreciate your flexibility.
Use of the IMC is by appointment only. In line with the guidelines from the Public Health Department, we must practice social distancing and wearing of masks.
Only employees are allowed in the IMC. Non employee parents and/or children are not allowed in the IMC at this time. IMC RESERVATION FORM
REMINDER: Please use the Instructional Materials Order Form and work with your Library Tech for instructional materials.
Independent Study
In the event that a student needs to participate in independent study through their school site (not Scholars at Home), please do not forget about the resources available for teachers in the independent study folder.
When you receive completed GATE forms, please remember to go into Illuminate and enter the yes or no responses. The Illuminate document needs to be filled out for each student by September 3, 2021. We will begin GATE testing in September. The GATE assessment is online and will be conducted by teachers in their classrooms. More information will be coming soon.
Goal Setting Assessments
ESGI and STAR Goal Setting Assessments need to be completed by September 17, 2021.
Benchmark Advance
August 26, 2021 @ 3:45-5:00 - Benchmark Advance for New Teachers: Digital Resources (virtual)
The meeting ID is 874 8134 7862 and the passcode is 507365.
Math Expressions
September 14 @ 3:45-5:00 - Math Expressions for New Teachers (virtual)
September 16 - Math Expressions: Personal Math Trainer (virtual)
- The goal of the District is for all TK-3rd grade and Special Education teachers to be trained in the Comprehensive Level by the end of the school year. Teachers should select training dates beginning in October here. Teachers who select dates/times for training outside of the school day/year will be paid $32.00 per hour for their time spent in training. Please send your completed conference request form to Debbie Gage in Ed. Services. When you have completed the training, be sure to send your certificate of completion and Extra Duty form to Debbie Gage.
Thank you for all of the hard work that you have been putting into getting your classrooms ready for your students! We appreciate you!
Clever Badges
Please give any unused or incorrectly distributed Clever badges to your office manager. This will help get the badges to the correct teacher as quickly as possible.
Inspire Science
Inspire Science Teacher's editions and Student workbooks have been sent to school sites. Other Inspire Science materials will be sent in the upcoming weeks.
Goal Setting Assessments
ESGI and STAR Goal Setting Assessments need to be completed by September 3, 2021 September 17.
Upcoming Professional Development
Benchmark Advance
August 26, 2021 @ 3:45-5:00 - Benchmark Advance for New Teachers: Digital Resources (virtual)
Math Expressions
September 14 @ 3:45-5:00 - Math Expressions for New Teachers (virtual)
September 16 - Math Expressions: Personal Math Trainer (virtual)
- The goal of the District is for all TK-3rd grade and Special Education teachers to be trained in the Comprehensive Level by the end of the school year. Teachers should select training dates beginning in October here. Teachers who select dates/times for training outside of the school day/year will be paid $32.00 per hour for their time spent in training. Please send your completed conference request form to Debbie Gage in Ed. Services.
September 20 @ 3:45-5:00 - Comprehensive OG Support (virtual)
Inspire Science
After looking at the Inspire Science Google forms, we noticed that many of you have indicated that you would like additional training with Inspire Science. We are pleased to announce that there will be Inspire Science training on November 1 for PDD#3.
We hope you had a wonderful summer break, spending time with family, friends, and even some alone time! We are looking forward to a productive year and the Ed Services Team, along with the entire District Office is here to support you and your students!
August 11th is Back to School Night. Please be sure to check in with your principal about schedules and send Zoom links to your parents. For your review and support, here is a power point draft that you may add to and use for your presentation with parents.
Have a wonderful night!
This year Goal Setting Meetings will be held on October 1st with minimum days on September 29th and 30th for additional meetings.
The Ed Services Team will send all parents the welcome Goals Setting Welcome Letter and Goal Setting Brochures.
PDD #1 and #2
Upcoming PD - Paid Opportunity
The goal of the District is for all TK-3rd grade and Special Education teachers to be trained in the Comprehensive Level by the end of the school year.
Teachers should select training dates beginning in October here. Teachers who select dates/times for training outside of the school day/year will be paid $32.00 per hour for their time spent in training.
Please send your completed conference request form to Debbie Gage in Ed. Services.
This year all non GATE students in grades 2-6 will be assessed - IF THEY HAVE PARENT PERMISSION.
GATE Permission Letters will be delivered to your sites. Please send home permission slips and enter a Yes or No response in Illuminate (LINK COMING SOON) to indicate parent responses. Principals will have a list of students that have already been identified as GATE. Current GATE students SHOULD NOT have a Permission Letter sent home.
Use of the IMC is by appointment only. In line with the guidelines from the Public Health Department, we must practice social distancing and wearing of masks. Employees only are allowed in the IMC. Non employee parents and/or children are not allowed in the IMC at this time. IMC RESERVATION FORM
REMINDER: Please use the Instructional Materials Order Form and work with your Library Tech for instructional materials.
These will be sent to your sites next week. Scholars@Home badges will be mailed directly to the students home.
2nd - 6th grade teachers, thank you for your support in reviewing the GATE data with the Ed Services Team. The Ed Services Department will send letters and copies of the GATE Results to all families beginning the first week of November. Please contact Ms. Vivian Fiss with questions.
JOIN US FOR PD (only need to attend one of the options below)
- November 2nd: 3:45 - 5:00pm
- November 9th, 3:45 - 5:00pm