Grade Five
Mrs. Thompson
What an awesome way to start the week! The kids are certainly tired today, but excited about the EAGLES win! A flex day could be in our future. Let's keep our eyes on Mother Nature this week. Please note that we do not do Valentine's in fifth grade. We have off on Friday and Monday!
*If we do have a flex day, I will post all work into the Google Classrooms. The students can go to their emails first to see the work there. I might post questions throughout the day to see who is checking. Thank you so much for your patience. Work will be checked the following day. I will answer emails until 2:45. If your child has incomplete work, they will be marked absent.
Thank you!
-Mrs. Thompson
iXL math program:
Important Dates:
2/14- No School for students
2/17-President's Day...No School
February Prayer- Act of Love
Homework/Tests and Quiz dates:
(Click Homework above)
(Click above for homework)
Spelling: Base words and Prefixes il-, in-, im-, ir Week 1: logical, inoffensive, irrational, probable, legal, adequate, offensive, irreplaceable, inaccurate, illogical
Week 2: accurate, impassable, inadequate, mobile, improbable, rational, illegal, passable, replaceable, immobile
Vocabulary words: fragmented, transmitter, nocturnal, burrows, iconic
Upcoming Tests/Quiz Dates:
2/13- Math chapter 5 test
2/13- Spelling Test