Q. Can I remote-monitor the student activity on his/her personal laptop?

Yes. All personal laptops under the BYOL programs must be registered at the school's network by the Technology Department and thus are subject to remote-monitoring and content filter. Any laptop found without the appropriate remote management capabilities must be reported to the Technology Department immediately.

Q. My classroom is not conducive to student owned technology. Am I required to allow my students to access their technology tools in the classroom?

No. Although teachers are encouraged leverage the student owned technology tools in the respective classrooms for learning, there is no requirement of teachers to allow this. You are in charge of the way your class functions and the rules that apply.

Q. What can I tell students about leaving laptops unattended?

Students must take responsibility for their personal laptop at all times. We strongly recommend that students secure laptops in their lockers during the lunch period or any other times when are not in use. During assemblies, teachers are advised to secure laptops in the classrooms by locking classroom doors.

Students who are participating in extra-curricular activities must not leave laptops unattended. Students are required to secure the laptop in their locker when it is not in use.

Q. A student has reported a missing/stolen personal laptop. Who should I contact about this?

SSM-FC is NOT responsible for the theft of a personal laptop/device nor are we responsible for any damage done to the laptop/device while at school.

Any time a theft occurs, you should contact a school administrator to make him/her aware of the offense.

Q. Some of my students cannot access the network on their laptops. I don’t have time in a class period to help them with this. Should I put in a request to Tech Support?

Yes. Students with registered laptops who cannot access the SSM-FC network or who may have technical issues must contact the SSM-FC Technology Department.

Q. I have students on my campus who are accessing the Internet using their provider’s data plan on their smart phones or laptops, hence bypassing the filter. Is this a violation of the student AUP?

Yes. While in the classroom, students with personal laptops must use the school's network to access learning materials.

However students can choose to use their personal data plan while class is not in session or at any free time in which case, this is not treated as an AUP violation because the student is not bypassing the filter on the AISD network, but instead using the telecom service provider’s data plan.

Q. I have my own laptop and a smart phone. I would like to utilize these tools at work.

You can use your personal tools via “SSMFC-Staff” or "SSMFC-Guest" network.

Q. One of my students was using his laptop to bully another student on campus. Should I call the Technology Department concerning this problem?

No.  This is a  student code of conduct issue.  Any disciplinary infractions that occur whether or not from using technology tools should be referred to an administrator. .