Our Program

Physical Education:

Physical education is essential to a students lifelong success. PE aims to develop the physical competency and knowledge of movement, health/wellness, safety and social skills. By learning the knowledge and how to apply these skills, students are then able and more willing to adopt a health lifestyle.

"The CDC recommends a multi-component approach by which school districts and schools use all available opportunities for students to be physically active, meet the nationally-recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day, and develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime."


What do we believe?:

At the Springfield Literacy Center, we are advocates for physical activity and the important role it plays in our students overall success. We know that physical activity:

  • Helps students remain on task throughout the school day.
  • Improves student scores in all academic subjects including standardized testing.
  • Plays an important rule in developing social and life skills such as as responsibility, cooperation, respect, perseverance, and goal setting.
  • Reduces the chances of developing chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart/lung disease, cancer, obesity, depression, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis.

About our school program:

We lay the foundation for student success through a multi-component approach as the CDC suggests.

Physical Education

Students participate in two 30-minute classes of PE every week for the duration of the school year. 1st Grade PE is just the beginning of laying the foundation for a healthy, happy, and successful future. Meaningful goal outcome based lessons are developed in accordance to the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Health, Safety and Physical Education. Knowledge and skills taught in first grade include:

  • Identifying safe practices in physically active settings
  • Engaging in physical activity that promote health
  • Interactions and cooperation with group members
  • Basic movements concepts such as throwing catching, kicking, running, hopping, skipping, jumping, sliding, bending, stretching, spacial awareness (just to mention a few)
  • Exercise principles
  • Game strategies
  • Scientific principles that effect movement

To see more about Pennsylvania standards in PE, click the link below.



All students in the first grade receive 30 minutes of their recommended 60 minutes per day through recess. Students spend time on the playground enjoying time away from academics while having fun and being active with their friends.

After School Activities

Students a will also have the opportunity to join an activity club which will take place for 60 minutes, once per week after school. Our two physically active clubs are gym games and floor hockey. We also encourage families to get involved and be active with their children.

Parent Involvement

It is important for parents to understand their role in encouraging their child to live an active life style. Reduce the amount of time your child spends in front of a screen. With the advancements of technology, childhood obesity is on the rise and children are spending time being less active. You are a role-model as well. Spend time with your children being active, be it riding a bike, going for a walk, or going to the pool.

Community Activities

Community events are a great way to be active as a family or for your child. For an updated list of local community activities feel free to reach out via contact link.