February 2025
Juergens' Journal
Important Dates in February:
2/6: Growth Mindset - Parent Education Event
2/17: No School - President's Day
2/18: No School - Staff Development Day
2/19: Dine & Donate
2/21: After School Enrichment Classes Begin
2/21: Winter Wonderland Dance
CPAP Board Meeting: 2/5/25 @ 8:00-9:30 AM in the VG Library
Falcon Fund Next Board Meeting: 2/5/25 @ 5:30-7:00 PM in the VG Library
PTA Next Board Meeting: No Meeting in Feb.
Site Council Next Meeting: No Meeting in Feb.
Message from Principal Juergens
Vista Grande Families,
February is one of my favorite months because of Valentine's Day, which celebrates caring, kindness, and hearts! ♥️♥️♥️ Our teachers focus on academics, but more importantly, they teach our students to show kindness and inclusion to everyone. We're kicking off the month with Words Matter Week! A special thank you to our PTA parent coordinators for organizing class and school-wide activities to emphasize the importance of our words.
We're also starting the month with a Growth Mindset Presentation on February 6th, and Winter Wonderland tickets are on sale now! Additionally, we have a Falcons Give Back opportunity this month with a canned food drive. Below is more information about these and other important opportunities this month.
Finally, please review the yearbook information below to ensure you've purchased a copy and to learn how you can help us add photos.
Please follow us on Instagram; as frequent reminders are posted there in a fun and creative way: vista_grande_school_parents
Welcome back, everyone!
Your Grateful Principal,
Osi Juergens
Vista Grande Auction Information
2025 VG Auction: Studio 54
VG Auction - May 2nd
Falcon Fund is excited to announce that this year’s Auction theme is Studio 54!
Each year, Falcon Fund sponsors Vista Grande’s Online Auction and Live Auction Event to raise money for beneficial programs and initiatives not funded by The District or The State of California.
Learn more and how you can help through the following links:
February SRVUSD Information
February SRVUSD Resolutions
San Ramon Valley Unified School District recognizes the month of February as African American/Black History Month. We acknowledge that Americans of African descent helped develop our nation in countless ways. African American/Black history reflects a determined spirit of perseverance and cultural pride to fully and equally share in the opportunities of a nation founded on the principles of freedom and liberty. Acknowledging that each student needs an opportunity to understand the common humanity underlying all people, the Board of Education encourages all schools to commemorate this month with appropriate instructional activities.
San Ramon Valley Unified School District recognizes the month of February as Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month. SRVUSD is committed to supporting students through CTE classes that prepare them for high-wage, high-demand careers. SRVUSD students have the opportunity to participate in CTE classes such as Automotive Repair, Biomedical Science, Business & Entrepreneurship, Digital Media, Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education, Engineering, Environmental Science, Sports Medicine, and Welding. We support opportunities to enable all students to achieve their career goals and contribute to the local economy.
San Ramon Valley Unified School District recognizes the week of February 2-8, 2054 as Words Matter Week. By bringing attention to name-calling, hate speech, and verbal bullying of all kinds and providing schools, students, and parents with the tools to launch an ongoing dialogue about ways to eliminate these acts in our schools and communities, the schools in our district will be safe places for all students to learn.
San Ramon Valley Unified School District recognizes the week of February 3-7, 2025 as National School Counseling Week. As a district, we value and acknowledge the services and support that school counselors provide to our students. Counselors help students explore their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents to help them reach their full potential and guide them in academics and career awareness. We acknowledge the assistance they provide parents and staff and we commend our district counselors for their outstanding contributions and dedication to quality education for all students.
Campus Safety Town Hall
Thursday, Feb. 13 from 6:00-7:30 pm
In-person, SRVUSD Education Center Board Rooms, 699 Old Orchard Drive, Danville.
Hear from a panel of experts from SRVUSD and the community, including the Superintendent, local police leaders, mental health professionals and more.
The panelists will be speaking on topics connected to how parents and caregivers can stay informed and do their part to keep our community safe. The event will focus on school safety plans, logistics, emergency communications, safety in the community and mental health.
Please register to attend: srvusdlinks.net/CampusSafetyPanel.
Space is limited.
Intradistrict Transfers: New Closing Date for Requests
Each school year, the priority transfer “open enrollment” windows for intradistrict transfer requests (when a family requests that their child attend a school that is different from their assigned school of attendance) is as follows:
December 15th to February 15th for middle and high schools
February 1st to March 6th for elementary schools
Traditionally, after the close of each “open enrollment” window, we have kept the transfer request forms open and posted until July 31st.
Moving forward, effective for all intradistrict transfer requests for the 2025-26 school year and in subsequent school years, the priority transfer windows will remain the same; however, we will only keep the forms open until May 1st of each year. Learn more about transfers and find the forms at www.srvusd.net/transfers.
Time Sensitive Opportunities
VG Parent Ed. Night
Thursday, Feb. 6 from 7:00-8:00 pm
Would you like to learn more about Growth Mindset and how you can support your children?
Thurs., Feb. 6th from 7-8 in the VG Library
Cindy Hildebrand, 3rd grade VG teacher and Growth Mindset Specialist will guide parents on what Growth Mindset is and how to implement it to increase your child’s long-term success.
All families are welcome. Please click here to RSVP - Growth Mindset RSVP
Childcare is available but is limited. Please click on the RSVP link for more info.
Winter Wonderland Dance
Dance on Friday, Feb. 21 from 6:30-8:00
Our PTA is hosting our annual family dance- now called THE WINTER WONDERLAND DANCE.
All parents/guardians are welcome!
Students must attend with their adults :)
Coffee & Connect
Wed. 2/19
Does your child have an IEP or a 504?
Would you like to connect with other families who also have a child with an IEP or a 504?
Please join us in the Library on Wed. Feb. 19th at 8:10
Camp VG 2025
How/When to Purchase?
On Future Fund for CAMP VG- GET YOUR TICKETS between 2/10-2/17
Make sure to get your tickets before they sell out
Purchase by 2/17 (NO LATE PURCHASES)
What is Camp VG?
Get ready for a memorable evening for your kiddos! Our annual Camp VG will be on Friday, March 21 at 4:30-8:30pm. Tickets will only be on sale February 10-17, so be sure to grab yours while you can! Tickets will not be sold after February 17. Purchase tickets on Future Fund.
Camp VG T-Shirt:
Each participant will receive an original Camp VG T-shirt, dinner, dessert and an evening full of activities and fun! Drop your kids off and enjoy your evening out while our incredible VG Staff entertain students with activities, crafts, dancing and more!
Camp VG Logo Contest:
Our annual Camp VG logo contest will be February 10-21. Entry forms will be in the front office and in classrooms. Logo entries are due in the office no later than February 21. One logo entry will be selected to be printed on our Camp VG 2025 shirts, and the winning student will get a free ticket to Camp VG!
Ticket Proceeds:
Proceeds from every ticket purchased will help fund VG's TK-5th Grade classroom Paraeducators, our dedicated STEM program for all students, our School Support Administrator, PE for Grades TK and K, Reading and Math Intervention Specialists, Student Social/Emotional Support, Falcon's Forest Supervision, Visual and Performing Arts Supplemental Support and More!
CAMP VG is March 21st; the last day of Spring Conference Week
February Vista Grande Information & Events
Words Matter Week
Celebrating Kindness, Equity & Inclusion
Feb. 3 - Feb. 7
Each year SRVUSD schools across the district participate in the Words Matter Week Resolution.
Celebrate Words Matter Week with us, an annual district-wide initiative aimed at highlighting the power of words and how they can influence how others feel.
Vista Grande PTA’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee (DEIC) has organized several activities to encourage kindness and help students engage with the theme of Words Matter Week. These activities are designed to guide students in choosing their words carefully and fostering a culture of inclusion for everyone—students, staff, and the community. Our goal is to ensure that kindness connects us all on our campus! We are so excited for a week filled with class activities and a school-wide POSITIVE KINDNESS CONNECTS US paper chain activity that will be hung up in our MPR.
VG Families, show your support for Words Matter Week by checking in with your child(ren) throughout the week. Ask them about the activities they’re working on in class. What did they learn? Why is it important that our words matter?
Here is a list of the most needed items:
Peanut butter
Canned tuna and chicken (in water)
Boxed macaroni and cheese
Shelf stable milk
Beans/lentils (dry or canned)
Whole grain cereals/crackers
Whole wheat/grain pasta
Canned soups/vegetables/tomato products (low sodium, easy open)
Canned fruits (in juice)
100% Fruit juice (cartons or small boxes only)
Nonperishable ready-to-eat meals (chili, ravioli, etc.)
Falcons Give Back
Canned Food Drive
Feb. 5 - Feb 28
If every student helps out we can collect over 550 items to support those in need!!!
Let's work together to help others!
Dine & Donate
Feb. 19th
Don't feel like cooking?
Do you love supporting VG?
It's a WIN-WIN!!!
Go to Nick the Greek on Feb. 19th and enjoy some yummy food while giving back to VG!
SPRING - After School Enrichment
Classes Run 2/21-4/25
Do you want to sign up your child for a SPRING After School Enrichment Class?
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER between 1/20-1/31
Classes run 2/21-4/25
No activity dates: Mar. 14, 19, 20, 21, and Apr. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Save the Date - Friday, February 28th
Vista Grande will celebrate National Read Across America Day on Friday, March 1st. Similar to last year’s Read-a-Thon, this year’s event will not have a fundraising component and we will focus on celebrating reading and literacy with the VG community. We will celebrate National Read Across America Day with VG’s annual PJs & Donuts with a Darling, class-specific activities, and a book drive for the VG library. We look forward to celebrating how books inspire imagination, spark creativity, and instill knowledge on National Read Across America Day!
Save the Date:
Friday - Feb. 28th
Please mark your calendars to celebrate Read Across America Day with VG’s annual PJs & Donuts with a Darling event on Friday, February 28th. Students are encouraged to wear pajamas to school (regular shoes for recess/P.E., please!) and each student is welcome to invite one family member to visit campus to read and enjoy donuts together.
This year we are extremely grateful that the VG PTA is generously covering the cost and managing the order of boxes of donut holes for each class. Teachers will be reaching out with details of class-specific timing and room parents will be reaching out to request beverages and other items for Donuts with a Darling.
Contribute to our Library
In connection with National Read Across America Day, VG families are encouraged to purchase a book from Mrs. Hoxworth's Read Across America Day Amazong Wishlist FORTHCOMING to donate to the VG Library. When purchasing a book from the wishlist, please select the hardcover version (unless noted otherwise) and ship the book to the Wishlist shipping address. Please include your child(ren)'s name(s) and grade(s) in a gift message so that we can affix a dedication bookplate to your purchased book to recognize your support of the VG Library. Thank you for helping Mrs. Hoxworth update and expand her collection of new and popular books in support of Read Across America Day!
More VG Information
Keep those photos coming! We would love to see your child in the yearbook, but we need your help! Use the Treering App to send us your photos from your mobile device.
Upcoming Photo Due Dates:
ASAP - 4th Grade Lawrence Hall of Science
3/15 - Winter Wonderland Dance
3/15 - Donut with a Darling
3/15 - Kindergarten Patriotic Day
Field trips, class parties and general photos of your class should be uploaded to your class folder within 2 weeks of the event.
Yearbooks are purchased only through treering.com. The school code for new accounts only is 1015664014764005.
Custom pages print only in your child’s book. Due 4/20.
Send Questions to vgeyearbook@gmail.com
Important Links
24/25 Helpful District Links:
24/25 Helpful Vista Grande Links:
Vista Grande Lunch Menus & Volunteering Info.
Lunch Duty Volunteering Opportunities
Is your child in 1st-5th Grade?
Do you have time or can you make time once or twice a month to volunteer at lunch?
We appreciate the ALL HANDS ON DECK approach and love to have our volunteers support our students either in the MPR while they eat or on the blacktop while they play.
Volunteering Requirements
IMPORTANT: MUST DO- In order to volunteer on campus or chaperone on a field trip
If you would like to volunteer this year please sign up or log in to check the status of your previous sign-up so you are ready to volunteer during the 24/25 school year.
In SRVUSD, we continue to prioritize student safety and improve our procedures for processing and clearing volunteers. Please access SRVUSD's volunteer clearance process via our volunteer management system, Be A Mentor (BAM), to sign up.
2024 Helpful Information
VG Lost & Found
Bagged Up After School
This year the Lost & Found items will be bagged up and donated on the last Friday of each month. If you want to claim your items please look through the lost and found anytime before the last Friday of each month.
The lost & found cart is located just outside the MPR and is available for families to look through at any time.
*** If you label your children's belongings with their first and last name every effort will be made to deliver their items to their classroom.
VG Spirit Wear
February Bell Schedule at a Glace
REMINDERS: Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
Please take the time to re-read the important information below as we return from Winter Break.
Our parking lot is VERY TRICKY and can be dangerous if we don't ALL WORK TOGETHER for the safety of our children.
A Few Tips.!!! READ & FOLLOW each of the numbers in the image below.
PLEASE LEAVE THE KEEP CLEAR section CLEAR and only pull forward once there is space to enter the lot past the Keep Clear section. (See #1 & 9 in the image below)
DO NOT park or leave your vehicle during DROP-OFF or PICK-UP in Lane A or Lane C. Lane B is for passing or leaving Lane A & C to exit the parking lot.
Pull forward in the lot until you can stop to let your child out of the car safely. DO NOT let them out into the Lane B side and DO NOT CUT in front of another car to pull into a spot. Wait in line until you can pull forward.
ONLY USE THE BIG CROSSWALK past the BIG TREE for student crossing. The small crosswalk is a handicap crosswalk.
Please review the full slide deck for more detailed information for TK/Kinder and 1st-5th grade drop off and pick up.
Parking Lot Procedures- Drop-off & Pick-Up
Your cooperation and attention in our lot are extremely important to ensure our students remain safe each day!