
One of our goals is to help our students to become organized & productive digital citizens.

  1. Students need to check their GMail REGULARLY.

  • Teachers use Gmail for our correspondence with students and parents.

  • Gmail will be one way for students to accept a Google Meet invitation so we can participate in a conference call with other students from their class.

  • The assignments in Google Classroom are linked to each student's GMail. When we have critiqued their work, we will virtually "hand it back" and they will be notified by GMail and by the Google Classroom phone app.

2. Students need a system to keep track of their correspondence

  • Teachers will be communicating regularly on GMail

  • None of their teachers will accept the excuse "I lost your email" or "I can't find your email"

  • Students must use the tools of GMail to quickly find and create emails

Game Time: Advanced Challenge-Get the Most Out of Gmail

3. Students must learn to become productive and efficient collaborators

  • Students must use the tools embedded in Gmail to stay organized and prevent email overload

  • Students must customize the settings of their Gmail account so that it is easy to use

  • Students must use digital etiquette when corresponding with peers and teachers.