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The most popular features of your child's Google Suite

Here is a quick go-to guide for all things Google!

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Important Terms:

Google Add-On: Programs that run within Google Docs, Slides, Forms, & Sheets to add efficiency and to enhance features for users.

Google Chrome: The Google-brand of web browser. Most of the apps, add-ons, extensions and programs that sync with Google products are best used with this browser.

Google Classroom: A digital space for grades, assignments, quizzes, videos, discussions, and announcements. This space continues for the duration of the course. Classrooms can be accessed on any digital device and are even offered as a phone app (highly recommended!)

Google Drawing: A palette feature that allows users to easily create a digital display of images, videos, links, and text.

Google Drive: A digital organization tool and filing system for creating and storing everything created within the Google Suite of products (Docs, Slides, Forms, Sheets, Sites, Drawings)

Google Docs: Method for creating documents (The Google equivalent of Microsoft Word)

Google Extension: a free product that can be added to your Google Chrome browser to add efficiency and to enhance features for users.

Google Forms: A survey tool similar to Survey Monkey

Google Meet: A virtual discussion space where people join for a limited time discussion. Similar to Zoom, but free for all students at SRVUSD

Google Sheets: A spreadsheet program, similar to Microsoft Excel

Google Site: A website that is published to the public. and can easily integrate the other features of Google Suite. This space sustains until it is taken down. (Used to be called Google Hangout)

Google Suite: The collection of apps (like Docs, Sheets, Meet, Classroom...) that are bundled together and offered for free to all students in SRVUSD