Meet the Team
What does a school counselor do?
What does a school counselor do?
The Diablo Vista Middle School Counseling Program is developed from the American School Counseling Association's (ASCA) National Standards: academic, personal/social, and college/career development.
The Diablo Vista Middle School Counseling Program is developed from the American School Counseling Association's (ASCA) National Standards: academic, personal/social, and college/career development.
- help create a safe place for all students to learn and achieve success
- provide individual and small group counseling to students and refer to outside support agencies when needed
- support students to develop social skills, coping skills, and executive functioning skills
- coordinate with our feeder high school to ensure a smoother transition from middle to high school
- help students and families understand course offerings and future pathways/options
- collaborate with families, teachers, and administration to best support all students
*confidentiality- counselors maintain confidentiality unless disclosing the information is necessary in order to protect the student from any threat to themself or others.
*confidentiality- counselors maintain confidentiality unless disclosing the information is necessary in order to protect the student from any threat to themself or others.
How do I see my counselor?
How do I see my counselor?
Students can make an appointment to see their counselor by emailing them OR students can stop by the counseling office and fill out an appointment request form. We love for students to also just stop by and say hi (we have candy!)
Students can make an appointment to see their counselor by emailing them OR students can stop by the counseling office and fill out an appointment request form. We love for students to also just stop by and say hi (we have candy!)
Parents, if you have questions or concerns, the best way to initially contact us is by email.
Parents, if you have questions or concerns, the best way to initially contact us is by email.
When can I see my DVMS counselor?
When can I see my DVMS counselor?
Students can drop in the Counseling Office with questions before school from 8-8:15am, at break, and after school until 3pm. For counseling sessions and services, students will be pulled from one of their classes during the school day to meet with their counselor.
Students can drop in the Counseling Office with questions before school from 8-8:15am, at break, and after school until 3pm. For counseling sessions and services, students will be pulled from one of their classes during the school day to meet with their counselor.