DVMS Course Selection
25-26 DVMS Course Selection
Infinite Campus window for course selection will be open Friday, January 24- Sunday, February 2.
Current 5th graders: enter elective request on Google Form that will be sent to families
Current 6th & 7th graders: log on to IC and select 2 electives and 3 alternate electives.
To view course offerings, please review the SRVUSD middle school course catalog
courses are offered at DVMS if the listing says DV or ALL
To learn more about DVMS electives, please visit our elective site and watch this video
IC Course Selection Instructions
Students log into Infinite Campus using CLASSLINK
At the top corner of the screen, click the 3 lines and select MORE (towards the bottom)
Select Course Registration
Select 25-26 Diablo Vista Middle School
A list of electives will appear. Select the elective you would like to request for next year by clicking the +
Click REQUEST. Make sure next to each of your requested elective courses, the drop down menu letter says "E" for elective.
Click BACK to return to the list of electives and repeat steps 5 & 6 for your other elective.
7th and 8th graders must choose 2 electives.
If you want a 6 period day, select “unscheduled 1” for no 1st period or “unscheduled 7” for no 7th period.
If you want Comp Sci/Robotics- only select Computer Science (we will add in Robotics for you).
TA, Office Aide, and Counselor Aide are not options to select at this time. There will be an opportunity in the spring to apply for these positions.
Once both electives have been added, go back to the list of electives to select your ALTERNATES.
You must select 3 alternate electives in case either or both first choices are not available.
Select the alternate elective
Repeat for other alternate
Make sure next to each of your requested alternate courses, the drop down menu letter says "A" for Alternate
Your course selections will automatically be saved– there is no SAVE button to click
*to delete a request, click on the course name under “Requested Courses” and click X next to the name
We cannot guarantee all courses will be offered due to staffing, nor can we guarantee you will receive any/all of your choices due to limitations in the Master Schedule.
All electives are YEARLONG. Please choose from the following options. You can also reference the SRVUSD course catalog for complete course descriptions
Spanish 1A
Spanish 1B
Concert Band
Symphonic Band
String Instruments
Broadcast Journalism (DVSN)
Drama/Adv Drama
2D Art
3D Art
Clothing 1
Computer Projects
Computer Sci/Robotics
Speech and Debate
Unscheduled 1st
Unscheduled 7th