Weight Training & Maintenance

See below for information on weight training, strength, physical therapy, and other helpful things.


Tips to eliminate shin splints

Here are a few tips to implement in your track & field exercise regimen to eliminate shin splints.

  • Icing. Icing reduces the inflammation of the tibialis anterior muscle. Icing for about 20 minutes after a tough interval sprint workout or track meet can prevent shin splints.
  • Tibial Pulls. Attach a light resistance band to a rack in the weight room and place the band around the top part of your foot. Sit on the floor with enough distance between you and the rack to create slight resistance in the band. Pull your foot up toward your head and hold each rep for five seconds. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Running Shoes. If you are experiencing shin splints or any type of lower leg problem after a running workout, maybe it's time to change your tires. Many of my track athletes who experienced shin splints solved the problem simply by changing their running shoes.
  • Running Surface. The type of surface you run on always has an impact on your joints. The amount of stress taken from the ankle to the knee joint usually travels along the tibialis anterior. Avoid running on hard surfaces such as concrete if you are going for an early morning jog or late night run. Try to find a park where you can run on the grass. A track is another great solution, but the greatest surface to run on is turf.