
Note: All the code that we write during out meeting will be dumped here

Session 1 (March 12, 2020)

  1. We discussed the basic motives behind setting up this club and a brief on our future plan of action.

  2. We discussed some solutions from the first coding contest.

  3. We decided that each of us will be pick up a favorite text editor and will install g++ and Python on our personal laptops.

  4. We will organize a linux bootcamp one of these days and encourage each other to learn some basic shell commands and working within some linux operating system.

  5. We saw how the technique of mathematical induction can be used to prove that the sum of squares of first n Fibonacci numbers can be computed using a closed form expression.

  6. We discussed some basic IO operations in Python and C.

We have seen the use and significance of

if __name__ == "__main__":

clause in Python.