The Philosophy of the club

What is Coding Club @SRM AP?

This is an initiative to facilitate discussions on computer programming, algorithmic thinking, mathematics and problem solving. Because problem solving is a social activity, at Coding Club we will train each other to acquire the taste for problem solving using computer coding with an intention to crack some kick-ass coding competitions!

Why is this important?

Two reasons:

  1. Programming is an art, and pursuing art is an immense source of joy!

  2. Big companies and research institutions love programmers who can solve problems using computers and math.

Isn't this just another hacking club?

Broadly speaking, 'Hacking' means putting things together and make something work quickly. Usually this requires an expertise in organizing a team, reusing existing code, and being aware of latest technologies. "Getting things done - somehow" is usually the motto of hacking where little consideration is given for long term quality and correctness etc.

Computer programming, on the other hand, is a procedural activity where the central objective is "doing things correctly and efficiently". This requires full concentration and very well defined skills which may only be acquired on years of practice. As one can imagine these are highly sought after skills and are much harder to achieve. Many big companies identify this talent based on competitive coding contests conducted online and offline. Cracking these contests is one of the main aims of our club.

Therefore, we are not just another hacking club but way broader than that. The coding skills that we acquire here will undoubtedly help you become better at hacking but we observe that computer programming is way more than hacking.

Why is there an emphasis on mathematics?

Mathematics plays an important role in competitive programming. In fact, there is no clear boundary between algorithm design and mathematics. Without a firm understanding of the underlying math, most computational tools seem like magical blackboxes. This superficial approach may be adequate for low paying maintenance jobs, but to create ground breaking solutions and make fundamental contributions one needs to understand stuff to a great level of depth and a mathematical approach really pays off.

I don't think I am very good at math, can I still be part of this club?

Yes! In fact this club is totally meant for you! Our intention is to learn - not to show off that we are some genius lot. An intention to learn, open mindedness and honesty are what we essentially look for.

What are rules and regulations of the club?

We will form a constitution together and will abide by it. For now, we'll just meet and discuss.