

Academic database where you'll find many different credible sources

Gale Topic Finder

Encyclopedia with links to credible websites

Academic database curated by Google

What is a scholarly source?  What is a popular news source?

Scholarly sources are written by academics and other experts and contribute to knowledge in a particular field by sharing new research findings, theories, analyses, insights, news, or summaries of current knowledge.

Scholarly sources can be either primary or secondary research. They can also come in many different formats.  Books, articles, and websites can all be scholarly sources. 

"What Counts As a Scholarly Source?" University of Toronto Libraries |, 18 May 2018,

Example:  Here is a popular news article which contains a scholarly source within the article: How Many Ants Are on the Earth?

Choosing and Using Key Words in Research

2:40 minute video with sound

"Choosing and Using Keywords." Youtube, Pfau Library, 31 Aug. 2015, Accessed 27 Nov. 2019. 


2:30 minute video - no sound

Using Notecards

As you paraphrase information from each source, you should record your information on notecards.  Researchers have used 3 x 5 index cards for decades.  If you choose to use note cards, the following Prezi is an excellent introduction:

At all times, avoid using Google!  But when you do: