Social Emotional Learning

This year, SRCSA will be using a program school-wide called "Character Strong." 

The first grade curriculum is called "Purposeful People." This program teaches skills that will help students be successful in school and in life. Each month our school community will focus on a different character trait to learn about and to practice.

PurposeFullPeople is more than a set of lessons - it is a partnership between schools and families to create a place where students feel like they belong and learn skills that will help them be the best they can be!

Purposefull People has three main goals for students: Be Kind, Be Strong, and Be Well.

Be Kind: Social skills like listening, friendship, solving conflicts, and leadership. These skills are taught alongside Empathy, Respect, & Cooperation

Be Strong: Skills that help students focus, stay organized, and set goals. These skills are taught alongside Responsibility, Courage, & Perseverance

Be Well: Skills that help students handle their emotions and deal with stress. These skills are taught alongside Gratitude, Honesty, & Creativity

Click below to see the webpage for SRCSA's Wellness Center!

Toolbox Intro Letter.pdf
Toolbox Home Connection pages.pdf
Restorative Student Council.pdf
Restorative Justice Practices.pdf