How to Get Started with Active Learning

How to Get Started with Active Learning

Step One: Specify the class needs
  • What are the intended learning outcomes?
  • What are your students' needs?
  • How would you evaluate your students' performance in general?
  • What are the areas that your students still need practice in?
  • How would you evaluate the last active learning strategy your class did?
  • How were the student's attitudes during the last activity?

Step Two: Design the activity
  • What active learning techniques and strategies can enhance their learning experience?
  • How should students interact with each other?
  • What are they expected to do during the activity?
  • What is the expected timeline? The activity may take more than one class.
  • Does the current classroom space suit the activity?
  • What are the ground rules?

Step Three: Assess the activity
  • How was student engagement during the activity?
  • Did the activity help students meet the intended learning outcomes?
  • Did the students find the activity helpful?
  • What were the obstacles or challenges that you and your students experienced during the activity?
  • How can these be overcome?
  • How would you improve the activity next time?

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