About Us

About Us 

The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921.

Today, it is estimated that more than one million students participate in NHS activities. NHS chapters are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, many U.S. territories, and Canada. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.


The Arlington NHS is part of the broader NHS organization, and our charter outlines specific guidelines for membership with regard to academic excellence, leadership experience, community service, and character.

To academically qualify (1st step):

To show leadership:

To show community service:

In addition, these hours must be for a non-profit in service to a group/organization/someone in need, and we do not count “counselor in training” or other pre-employment activities as service (though you are welcome to include them as leadership experience)

To demonstrate character:

*Disciplinary issues and cheating incidents will require a separate essay reflecting on the incident, and those applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Summer 2023 dates/deadlines TBD - please check back after classes end in late June. They will be similar to the 2022 dates below - feel free to read this to learn about the process.


NHS Survey invitations were sent via email to academically qualified rising juniors and seniors on Friday, July 8. The survey must be submitted via Google Classroom by Friday, September 16th.

You may have questions as you think about what's to come. I encourage you to write down any questions you have when you have them, and once you have been provided with more information, look to see if those questions are answered in the documents!  Ms. Colyer checks email periodically over the summer and is happy to help you as her schedule allows. Please do not have your parents contact her with your question(s) - one piece of learning to become a leader is learning how to ask for help!


Thank you for submitting on time! The faculty committee, comprised of teachers, counselors, and administrators, will meet a few times to review all submitted materials. It takes around a month for this to happen. Each student should receive notification of admission or denial. The committee aims to have admission decisions back to students as soon as possible, with the goal of notifying senior applicants prior to early college deadlines. 


Were you offered a spot in the Arlington NHS? If so, congrats! If you choose to be inducted as a member of Arlington High School's National Honor Society, you're agreeing to continue your commitments to academic excellence, community service, and leadership while maintaining your strong character throughout the rest of your time at AHS. We also ask for $20 in dues to pay for the graduation paraphernalia and to help contribute financially to the organizations with which we partner locally. You agree to maintain the minimum GPA (weighted or unweighted). In addition to your prior service, you commit to completing an additional 25 hours of service through NHS opportunities. NHS opportunities can include working as a one-on-one tutor, staffing drop-in tutoring times, helping with ceremonies such as induction, graduation, and awards night, participating in clean-ups, volunteering with Arlington Eats, etc. If there is a local organization you'd like NHS to partner with, we are open to increasing our reach with additional opportunities! You will be invited to a meeting to learn more and ask any questions prior to the NHS Induction Ceremony.

NHS Scholarship Application is now online :)
