Hiking, Orienteering, and Outdoor Activities

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About your Hiking, Orienteering, and Outdoor Activites class:

Students who enjoy being active and outside will enjoy this course. This course will utilize the trails of South Portland ranging from Wainwright Fields, the Eastern Trail, Hinckley Park, Long Creek Trails and others to encourage students to get outside and make use of what our city has to offer for outdoor recreation. Students will learn Orienteering skills and learn to set up courses for use during class. In the winter months we will look to include snow shoeing and sledding, weather permitting.

Student Objectives:

  • Demonstrate hiking and backpacking skills (proper equipment, conditioning, proper clothing, how to hike).

  • Demonstrate proper hiking and backpacking safety.

  • Construct a manmade shelter from natural resources.

  • Be familiar with the essential skills needed first aid and general survival.

  • Be able to name plants and animals native to the state of Maine.

Course/Class expectations...

Expectations: You are expected to come prepared each day ready to move. On any given class day we could and most likely will be outside hiking/ walking. The proper attire would be something you could comfortably walk in for upwards of one mile and will be weather adjustable (hot days vs cold days). You will need to arrive to class on time, if you are late than there is a possibility that you will miss the bus to certain locations. We are going to be traveling to different local areas so being on time to class is very important. On days where the weather does not cooperate we will be in the classroom, on those days Ill will post in the morning and let you know that we will be inside. Other typical classroom expectations are below, these expectations will be typical for inside and outside of the classroom:

  • Actively Listen, Make good eye contact, and participate.

  • Cooperate with your teacher and classmates.

  • Be kind and encourage others.

  • Accept and respect everyone. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

  • Use positive words and body language.

  • Take responsibility for your actions

  • Be honest.

  • Stop, think, and make good choices

  • Effort Towards Learning

  • Pay attention and follow all directions the first time

  • Be prepared and on time.

  • Give your best effort.

Grading, Missing Assignments, Absences, Tardies: Your grade in this class will come from regular attendance and effort in classroom activities as well as projects and assignments. You will earn points for attending and participating as well as lose points for every unexcused absence.

If you are late you will be marked down as "tardy", there is also a chance that you will miss the bus to our hiking area that day. The bus cannot wait long, if you are going to be late you need to get in touch with me ASAP to let me know so that I know to hold the bus a little longer. An unexcused absence is when I am not informed before the absence occurs or if the absence is not cleared thought the office. This will be my discretion to decide if the absence is excused or unexcused.

In addition, quizzes and in class work will be required throughout the quarter and you will be informed of these due dates well before they occur. Grades will be shared throughout the quarter and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

Grading Breakdown: Participation: 80% --- In-class work/ Assessments 15% --- 21st Century Skills 5%