6th Grade Band

About this class

As a 6th Grade band member you will be reviewing everything you have learned in 5th Grade with Miss Fletcher! As you are reviewing, new notes and rhythms , vocabulary will be added. You will learn the meanings of the tempo markings you see in your music! You will be learning to use a program called Smartmusic!

You will be learning different genres of music. Pop, classical, Jazz etc. you will also learn how to improvise!

Course calendar

You will be having google meets with me every Wednesday at 8:45 a.m. Go to meet.google.com and type in quinnmeet

You will also visit my virtual classroom and learn to navigate the room. In it will be a tutorial for your instrument that you should watch !

You will have assignments twice a week and a google meet once a week.


Course/Class expectations...

  • You will be graded on a 1-4 scale. In band , I expect your assessments to be on time. If you do not receive a 3 I expect you to keep trying until you do!

  • attendance helps you be a better student. If you miss classes you will fall behind.

  • participation is an important piece of playing an instrument. That's what makes it fun!

  • If you practice regularly and are prepared , class will be much more rewarding for you. You will be proud of yourself for how well you play!

  • I will post your assignments on this website with a link on where to find them.

My google classroom site is where your assignments will be! Make sure you look at the Stream first and then go to classwork. Here is the code mlsqy7q

YOU WILL HAVE THREE CONCERTS AND THE MEMORIAL DAY ....... possibly, depending on what happens this year :-)

Resources: FlipGrid Edpuzzle Smartmusic