Work Based Learning

This is a job training program in the non-skilled trades business sector offered to juniors and seniors. This program is designed to prepare students for the world of work through experience and academics.  Students are responsible to find their own employment and must be employed before starting the program. This program combines academic study with paid, monitored and credit-bearing work. Students and employers must adhere to child labor laws and be under the direct supervision of a supervisor at the worksite.  The instructor will work with your supervisor to make sure that you adhere to the requirements of the program and are working to develop Career and Life Skills for future career opportunities.  Successful students completing the 10 hour weekly work requirement and curriculum will earn 2 elective credits. 


To be eligible, each student must have a reliable form of transportation, complete an application form (available online on the Extended Learning Opportunities website), go through an interview with the program coordinator and instructors, and then go through a second interview with a potential internship host. Students accepted into the Work Based Learning Program are required to maintain a required work log of their experience and the time spent at the host site.  Students must also check in weekly with their instructor to ensure that they are staying up to date with expected program requirements. The graduation standards associated with this course are: Communication, Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking, Initiative and Professionalism, Career and Life Skills, and Self-Knowledge.

 Students will:

·       Complete weekly online course work.

·       Develop skills necessary to compete, get and keep a job.

·       Understand the employer and employee relationship.

·       Stay connected and communicate weekly with your online classroom teacher.

·       Developing transferable skills and goals toward future career success.

·       Maintain a minimum of 10 hours a week of work.

·       Gain experience and entry into the workforce.

Part-time jobs or seasonal jobs you can earn credit.