All About ELO

Extended Learning Opportunities


  • Learning opportunities that take place for credit outside the traditional classroom setting.

  • These opportunities occur both during the school day and beyond.

  • ELO experiences are intended for students to connect with community based partners, are driven by the students’ curiosity and passion, grounded in real world experience, and count for elective credits towards graduation at SPHS.


  • Study a topic that expands what students have learned through a classroom experience.

  • Explore a highly personalized career option.

  • Pursue societal issues students are passionate about.

  • Contribute to the community by doing a service learning project and build relationships.

  • Explore, research and reflect.

  • Evaluate their post secondary planning.

  • Investigate opportunities not being offered in traditional classroom curriculum.

  • Experience a unique mix of academic instruction and experiential learning while increasing skills