Springs’ students, parents, teachers, and staff, we want to hear from you! Use your voice and share your story as part of our “My Story, My Voice” series. There is so much wisdom and joy to share among our community members and we invite you to share your experiences. 

At Springs Charter Schools, lives are transformed when parents are given a choice and a say in their child's education. Devin, who overcomes ADHD every single day, is nothing less than thriving since entering Springs Charter Schools over 10 years ago. Hear his mother Christina's story! 

Your turn! How can you submit YOUR story for our site? 

There are many stories to tell and general categories include:


There are many ways to share your story and remember, everyone loves practical tips that we can use right away. Check out the following guidelines and please share your stories. Submit a written story with optional photo (no more than one page in length)


We will edit all formats and are happy to help polish up your story! Your voice matters!


In this monthly column, parents and teachers can submit questions and our experts will answer them! 

Use your VOICE and submit a question for a future column by filling out THIS FORM

Question: How do you make opportunities to listen to students read aloud regularly and measure reading fluency?

Answer: The personalized learning assignments focused on mastery were all embedded in my grade-level Canvas course and my instructional strategies morphed and improved over the couple of years I taught for Venture. 

One of the first things I did and easiest thing you can do (regardless of whether you teach on campus or online) is to provide a benchmark reading passage as a Canvas assignment and require an audio or video file as submission. Students can read aloud and you can monitor their progress much more frequently than you could finding time in your busy day to listen to them all read. I had my students advancing through more complex reading assignments weekly.

Then, I found Google Fluency Tutor and it made scoring student’s reading and monitoring progress so much better! Completing Running Records was quick and easy and students could set goals and work towards mastery. I assigned passages based on Student’s Lexile level and even created assignments for sight words, and phonics. Watch a Short Overview here (4 min.). I can’t recommend it enough!

Question: How do you make sure students have enough reading practice within their Zone of Proximal development?

Answer: I used Epic Books. It was free for teachers and has over 40,000 books, audiobooks & learning videos. I would assign specific books I wanted students to read based on our content. I would also assign a specific number of minutes be spent free reading based on their reading level and the reporting feature would allow me to see what books they read and how many minutes were spent reading.  Watch this 2 minute video of me explaining to students how to find books on Epic based on their Lexile level

Question: How do you monitor students’ progress with phonics and sight words?

Answer: I created assessments for students for each of the 100 words. And then I created a Pathway in Canvas. Assignments were opened to students based on identified area of need and mastery. Learning was personalized for students. They worked at their own pace, tracked their progress, reported out on their progress weekly, and worked towards mastery of grade-level standards. Click here to watch a video I made for parents explaining how the Pathway worked (4:24 min.). You can also watch this 5 minute video I made explaining to students how to self-assess and track their own readiness to take the mastery assessment.  I also created a Pathway for phonics rules and required students to achieve mastery before advancing to the net skill. Watch this short 3 minute video to see me describe that Pathway

Question: How did you teach spelling so that it was personalized and allowed students to work towards mastery?

Answer: I used a program called Phonetic Zoo through Institute for Excellence in Writing. Although I don’t care for their writing program, I loved the spelling program because it is rules based. Students are working independently at their own pace and only moving onto the next lesson after they are able to demonstrate mastery. Click here to watch a short video of me explaining how it worked (5:45). 

Question: Do you have any recommendations for scaffolding learning for online students who are struggling?

Answer: Yes! I created lessons for students that were always scaffolded. I recorded myself reading the material and I also included the text. Students had the option to read the material independently, or click to hear it read aloud and follow along.  

Question: What do you consider to be rigorous instruction in reading?

Answer: Reading fluency involves Phrasing, Expression, Accuracy, and Rate and each must be taught explicitly and assessed. Click here to watch a short video describing how I taught those skills to my students. You have access to those lessons and many resources for teaching reading in the TTSW: Teaching Fluency course. Of course, I also made sure my students were involved in a literature circle and reading novels of choice in addition to their reading instruction. 


Things we say and things we don't say at Springs. This month our focus is on words we say when talking about TEACHING the Springs Way.

Teaching the Springs Way focuses on five pillars for Student Success: Caring Community, Learner Driven, Flexible Environment, Mastery Learning and Personalized Content and Resources. 

Instead of traditional classrooms, we have flexible learning environments

Instead of teacher-driven instruction, our instruction is learner driven

Instead of covering a textbook from cover to cover, we use personalized content and resources based on student need and interest. 

Teaching the Springs Way Toolbox is a Canvas course that provides resources for teachers to support best practices based on the five pillars. 

Professional Development is offered to teachers and staff based on the mission and vision of Springs. 

Blended PD: The site leader facilitates this day with an agenda provided by Instructional Support. The outcomes for these days are teacher release days for prep, observations, and working toward their PL Goals on the Continuum; PLC & MTSS. The framework for PLC and MTSS is developed by Instructional Support. 

Regional Data Day: These days are collaboratively designed by Instructional Support, Assessment, and MTSS. The outcomes for these days are Collaborative Data Digs, MTSS Tracking & Training, IS Resources, Online Programs Support & Training, and Professional Growth time for teachers. 

PL Summit: This internal conference is a time to build continuity of understanding for what it means to Teach the Springs Way. Our Education Leadership team collaboratively designs the outcomes of this day and leverages the support of our online program partners, Gurus, and PL Graduates to offer workshops and trainings for strategies to personalize learning for all students. 

Untouchable 2s: 2 hours each month that Principals spend in the classroom each month giving feedback on quality instruction.


The Perils and Promises of Praise by Carol Dweck

Check out this article that focuses on the effects of praise. The wrong kind of praise creates self-defeating behavior. The right kind motivates students to learn.