UTICA Women's League

Upcoming Events:

The league is a wonderful organization which was formed in 1926 and continues to be a vital part of St Paul’s Lutheran Church.  We pride ourselves in continuing to carry on what our predecessors started 97 years ago! In addition to gathering socially we hold fund raisers which allow us to support our church members, friends, community and the church at large.

We give sunshine boxes to our sick, visit shut-ins, send greeting cards, and recognize our confirmands, graduates, and military family members—with gifts.  One of the things that we are the most grateful to do is to provide and serve funeral luncheons to church members and their families.  We see first hand how much this means to families allowing them time to gather and share valuable time and memories with each other.

We are grateful for all of the support that is given to  us by the congregation as we continue to carry out the mission of doing God’s work and hope that this organization will continue to be a most vital part of St Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church—Utica Maryland!!

10621 Old Frederick Road, Thurmont, Maryland 21788

(301) 898-9454