Fellowship, Education
1) The Adult Sunday School Class meets at 10:15 a.m. on the upper level of the Education Building.
St. Paul's Church hosts the Maryland Summer Institute of the American Youth Harp Ensemble (AYHE) in July. Lynnelle Ediger-Kordzaia is the Camp Director. Information can be obtained by contacting AYHE in Richmond, Virginia, at 1-804-353-7001 or academy@greenspringmusic.org .
St. Paul's Church, Utica hosts weekly gatherings of the Monocacy Home Educators Cooperative throughout the school year. These Wednesday gatherings involve home school students, their teaching parent and special instructors recruited especially for these group sessions.
Utica Women's League The Utica Women's League is a fellowship of Christian women who meet 9 times a year for study, Christian growth and service.
Community Fundraiser: St. Paul's Utica would hold its traditional Utica Picnic at the church's Miller Picnic Woods (7515 Lewistown Road) on the third Saturday in August. It was suspended during the pandemic year of 2020. We have begun a new fundraiser that began in 2023. It is a Cash Bingo held the third Sunday in August at the Lewsitown Fire Hall. Your support of this important fundraiser for the St. Paul's Uitca Church is appreciated.
The church’s Education Building is available to members and the community for special activities and family functions. Contact Pastor Donnella 301-898-9454 or Charles Lambert 240-674-8315.
The Church is a strong supporter of the Thurmont Food Bank, the Glade Valley Food Bank in Walkersville, and programs to support the children of Lewistown Elementary School and other Thurmont-based schools.
10621 Old Frederick Road, Thurmont, Maryland 21788
(301) 898-9454