Additional Resources


Curriculum Resources


Math Differentiation for Gifted Learners
Differentiation for Gifted Students
ELA Differentiation Presentation
Depth and Complexity Intro



Hoagie's Gifted Education Page - This is a GREAT site for all things gifted. The educator tab is a great place to look for resources if you are looking to go more in-depth on any topic regarding gifted students in your classroom, including differentiation, grouping, and social/emotional aspects of gifted children. There are also links to individual subject area giftedness. 

Ditch That Textbook - This website is an absolute TREASURE TROVE of resources... and they are all FREE! Another of my absolute favorite resources! Here you will find videos, the Google Teacher Podcast, e-books and Guides, and best of all FREE TEMPLATES that you simply download and edit for your needs! I highly recommend subscribing to their resource list, but if you don't want more e-mails to deal with simply bookmark this site! You can thank me later!

John Spencer - I mentioned John Spencer above, but I can't emphasize enough how awesome he is. I highly recommend his books, but if you don't have time to read a whole book then you should at least check out his blog! He also has great stuff on his YouTube channel. As the kids would say, like and subscribe!

Additional Resources

Profiles of the Gifted & Talented