Google Suite

Students and staff at Pacelli Catholic Schools are provided a G Suite for Education account, to allow for communication and collaboration. The Google Suite provides cloud-based tools for creating documents, presentations, spreadsheets and websites, along with email, calendar, and unlimited storage for files.

Pacelli Catholic Schools students and staff can use the Google Suite to:

  • Participate in digital coursework using Google Classroom
  • Participate in Google Meet- real time meetings by Google
  • Create presentations with Google Slides
  • Create word processing documents with Google Docs
  • Create spreadsheets with Google Sheets
  • Create drawings with Google Drawing
  • Create websites using Google Sites (all staff; middle & high school students)
  • Organize events, due dates, etc... with Google Calendar

It is expected that staff and students will operate at all times within the parameters of the Acceptable Use Policy with regards to G Suite for Education.

Google Classroom: For Parents