Google Meet

Google Meet Overview

Google Meet (formerly Hangouts) connects students and teachers to teach and learn from anywhere. Meet is the official video meeting platform that Pacelli Catholic Schools teachers and staff use when hosting synchronous meetings and live stream classes.

Additional information on Google Meet:

Video Guide to Google Meet For Parents

Instructional video how to use Google Meet, join a Google Meet, and its features:

Video Conferencing Etiquette

Always keep in mind that Google Meet video conferencing using your school account and devices is for educational purposes only.

Before the Meet:

  • Find a comfortable, quiet, spot to sit. It is best to keep your device on a steady surface if possible. Make sure your background is school friendly and that you’re dressed as if you were at school. A blank wall or background is recommended.

  • Be on time for the Meet, 1-2 minutes early.

  • Let your teacher enter the Meet before you do.

When the Meet Starts:

  • It is best practice to Mute your microphone upon entering the Meet.

  • Unless instructed otherwise, be sure your camera is on, so your teacher can see you.

During the Meet:

  • Be patient, this is a learning experience for everyone.

  • Use headphones with a microphone when possible.

  • Be engaged. Pay attention to when others are speaking.

  • Unmute your microphone when your teacher asks you to talk. Mute your device again when you are done speaking. Be sure to speak clearly.

  • Use the chat feature on the right to ask questions and share resources.

  • Even when you are not in your school building, our school rules, values, and expectations still apply.