Job Search Engines

There are many job search engines that can be found on the web. Here are some that are relatively easy to use.

LinkedIn has it's own special section because it is more than a search engine. LinkedIn is a professional [social] networking tool that can be very beneficial in helping you find your next job or career.

It is like any other social platform where you create a profile, express your interests, and the embedded website algorithm produces advertisements and job postings in response to your inputs. Additionally, if your profile allows it, job recruiters may stumble across your profile and be interested in what they see - therefore offering you an interview.

Some say that LinkedIn is the new way of finding and posting jobs. As you saw in resumes and cover letters, the address field may be substitued with a personal LinkedIn URL because much information (like an address) can be seen there. Take a look at LinkedIn and see if you think it might be beneficial to you.