Do's and Do Not's

It may be obvious, but please just remember that the point of an interview is to receive a job offer! Don't forget that there are other applicants who may have received an invitation for an interview and that you are competing for this job alongside them. Review this list of Interview Do's and Do Not's to enable you for success during the interview.


  • Give a firm handshake and proper greeting

  • Arrive early

  • Maintain good eye contact and proper posture

  • Show enthusiasm

  • Enunciate words clearly

  • Use examples or short stories if available

  • Ask questions to the interviewer when prompted

Do Not's

  • Chew gum

  • View phone or smart watch notifications

  • Use poor language and slang

  • Speak poorly on previous jobs or colleagues

  • Lie or falsify information

  • Respond with "yes" or "no"

  • Blantanly ask about salary or discuss benefits