Music Therapy

Music Therapy is the clinical & evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program. Music therapy interventions can address a variety of healthcare & educational goals.

Music therapists use music to create and maintain a therapeutic relationship and provide a structured environment to facilitate cognitive, emotional, motor, and social growth and development. The music therapist assesses each student and uses music to promote that student's individual needs. Music therapists can provide interventions such as listening to music, singing, composing music, recreating familiar music, moving to music, and improvisation. Additionally, music can aid communication for those who may find it difficult to communicate through verbal language.

The music therapy evaluation is requested by the ARD committee, just as with all other related services. When conducting a music therapy evaluation, the music therapist looks at a student's skill level in a non-musical environment and a structured musical environment. Involvement in music therapy can promote increased attention and motivation to participate in goal work activities. The board-certified music therapist can provide services directly to the student or through consultative services to the teacher. 

A Music Therapist must have a bachelor's degree in music therapy from a university approved by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) and have completed 1200 hours of clinical training at an approved internship site.  A national board certification exam is required to obtain the credential MT-BC (Music Therapist-Board Certified) granted by the Certification Board for Music Therapists. This credential must be obtained in order to provide music therapy services to a targeted population.  Music Therapists must adhere to the AMTA Standards of Clinical Practice and the Music Therapists' Code of Ethics. 

American Music Therapy Association

Southwestern region of the American Music Therapy Association

Tuned in to learning 

Coast Music Therapy