Extended School Year Services (ESY)

"Extended school year services (ESY) services" means special education and related services that (34 CFR 300.106(b)) are provided to a child with a disability (34 CFR 300.106(b)(1)) beyond the normal school year of the public agency (CFR 300.106(b)(1)(i)in accordance with the child's individualized education program (IEP) (CFR 300.106(b)(1)(ii)) at no cost to the child (CFR 300.106(b)(1)(iii)).

The provision of ESY services is limited to the educational needs of the child and must not supplant or limit the responsibility of other public agencies to continue to provide care and treatment services pursuant to policy or practice, even when those services are similar to, or the same as, the services addressed in the child's IEP (19 TAC 89.1065(8)).

Extended School Year (ESY) services are considered for all students with disabilities. The need for ESY must be determined on an individual student basis by the ARD Committee.

Extend School Year (ESY) Programming

All ESY programming considerations should be based on documented regression/recoupment as reviewed in the ARD or will be unable to maintain one or more acquired critical skills in the absence of ESY services. Submission of this documentation is required to the Coordinator of Specialized Curriculum and Instruction. 

ESY Summer School (4 weeks, 3 hours a day)

ESY summer is the traditional ESY model. ESY summer school will be offered for four weeks in June, Monday through Thursday, for three hours a day, based on ARD committee decisions. Students will receive daily instruction on targeted IEP goals/objectives. Speech therapy and related services are provided based on documented regression/recoupment data. Related services are defined as Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Behavior Support, Music Therapy, Counseling, Personal Care Services, and Transportation. 

Targeted ESY Sessions (individualized frequency and duration)

Targeted ESY may be provided in addition to or in replacement of ESY Summer School. Targeted ESY is individualized and based on student needs. This ESY model may include daily instruction on identified IEP goals/objectives and/or speech therapy and related services as documented on the regression/recoupment data collection form. Related services are defined as Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Behavior Support, Music Therapy, Counseling, Personal Care Services, and Transportation.

End of Year (EOY) Campus Transition Visit ( 2 hours)

The EOY Campus Transition Visit is designed for students who are transitioning from one campus to another for the following school year. EOY Campus Transition Visits are conducted during the school day. The purpose of the EOY Campus Transition Visit is to allow students to visit the campus during a typical school day. This visit may include visiting special education classrooms, visiting cafeteria and/or gym environments, and practicing hallway transitions during passing periods. 

EOY Campus Transition Visit dates are determined by the district. Transportation will be provided, and students will be accompanied by their current school staff. 

Beginning of the Year (BOY) Campus Transition Visit (2 hours)

The BOY Campus Transition Visit is designed for students who are transitioning from one campus to another for the following school year. This visit will allow students to visit the campus and classroom environments, meet the new teacher(s), and practice walking their new schedule, if applicable, before school is in session. 

The district determines BOY Campus Transition Visit dates, scheduled after teachers return but before the first day of school. 

Dragon/Freshman Frenzy Camps

The Dragon/Freshman Frenzy Camp Transition Visit is designed to meet the needs of students who cannot independently attend a Dragon/Freshman Frenzy camp without additional support. 

The Dragon/Freshman Frenzy  Camps are determined by the campus. 

Centralized Support Classroom Transition Camp (2 hours)

The Centralized Support Classroom Transition Camp is designed to provide the opportunity for students in Centralized Support Classrooms (ECSE/ACE/Structured Learning/CMII) to visit the campus and classroom environments, meet the new teacher(s), locate key areas on the campus, build classroom peer relationships, and practice routines/schedules.