Term 2

This term we are working on Stage 4 and 5 maths goals. Check your goal sheet to see what you are working on! Challenge yourself to complete your most accurate work!

Week 12 Maths - Click on your group to see what you are doing this week

Maths - Group tahi -Week 12
Maths group Rua- Week 12
Math group Toru- Week 12

Week 11 Group Tasks

Maths - Group tahi -Week 11

Dayton, Keeley, Max, Jessica, Kaia-Rose, Nathan

Rua Maths- Week 11

Lose, Fyfe, Patrizia, Kayla, Bailey, Victor, Ricardo, Mesake , Isabelle, Adriel


Caleb, Matthew, Jayden, Rylan, Om, Kelicia, Tyler

Need some help mastering your goals?

Have a sneak-peek at the videos below

Read and write numbers to 100

Goal # 1

Read and write any number


1. Count up and down

Goal # 2 & 3

Know before and after numbers

Count forwards and backwards to 100

Ordering Numbers

Goal # 4

Order numbers to 100

Goal # 5

Count up and down in tens. Listen to the song then count up from 0-100 in tens then back from 100-0 in tens

Goal #6

Count up and down in 5s

Listen to the song then skip count up from

0-100 in 5s then back from 100-0 in 5s

Goal # 7

Count up and down in 2s

Listen to the song then skip count up from 0-40 in 2s then 100-60 back in 2s

Know the number of tens in numbers

Goal # 8

Know the number of tens in decades/numbers

Know what makes 10, 20 ,100

Goal #9

Know what makes 10, 20, 100

Goal # 10

Know doubles and halves to 20

Goal # 11

Know addition and subtraction facts to 10 and beyond

Count on and back from the biggest number

Goal # 12

Count on and back from any number in my head

Count up and down in tens

Goal # 13

Count on and back in tens

solve problems using skip counting

Goal # 14

Solve problems by skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Fractions- Shapes

Goal # 15

Know fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/5 1/4 ans 1/10

7. Find half and quarter of shapes

Goal # 16

Find half and quarter of sets and shapes

Goal # 17

Show my thinking in a variety of ways

You do this everyday in your chit chat groups

Continue a pattern

Goal # 18

Continue a sequential pattern

Click on the slides for the STAGE 5 goals

Stage 5 Maths Goal Videos

Practise your basic facts