Stage 2-3

Stage 2-3 Knowledge

Number formation

Read and write all numbers up to 20

Count forward to 20

Count backward from 20

Count from any number to 20

Order numbers in the range 0-20

Skip count in 5s to 20

Skip count in 10s to 100

Know addition facts within 5 (e.g. 2+3)

Know addition facts with 5 (e.g. 5+3)

Know addition facts within 10 (e.g. 4+3)

Read and recognise simple unit fractions (e.g. 1/2, 1/4)

Stage 2-3 Strategy

Addition & Subtraction

Using Materials

Adding and Subtracting with One Hand: Solve addition and subtraction problems to 5 by counting all objects

Adding and Subracting with Counters: Solve addition and subtraction problems to 10 by counting all objects

Using Fives: Solve addition and subtraction problems where 5 is one of the numbers

Crossing the Fives Barrier: Solve addition and subtraction problems to 10 by using a tens frame and crossing over columns

Using Imaging (counting all materials in your head)

Fly Flips: Solve addition problems where the middle number is missing e.g. 5+?=7

Imaging Many Hands: Solve addition and subtraction problems by imaging numbers up to 20

Making Tens: Solve addition and subtraction problems up to 10


Equal Sharing

Algebra (Patterns)